Zygomatic Implants In Mexico

All You Need To Know

If you were told that you are not a candidate for dental implant treatments like the All-On 4, with zygomatic implants we can bring back your smile and restore your confidence. Learn more about the benefits and costs of zygomatic dental implants in Mexico.

Dr. Hugo Zamora with a patient who got zygomatic dental implants in Mexico

Getting Zygomatic Dental Implants In Mexico

Due to major bone deterioration or maxillary atrophy, some patients are not candidates for the most popular treatments with dental implants such as All-on 4 or Snap-On overdentures. This often causes them to get rejected by most dentists in the U.S.A or Canada.

If you are currently dealing with this situation, you can consider getting zygomatic implants in Cancun, Mexico. We have maxillofacial surgeons and prosthodontists that can give you a new set of permanent teeth in record time.

At Cancun Dental Design, we offer dental implant solutions with the quality and affordability you have not been able to find in your country. Traveling to Cancun is worth it when you leave your full-mouth rehab in the hands of our dental implant specialists.

patient of cancun dental design smiling after getting zygomatic dental implants in mexico

How To Know If You Need Zygomatic Implants?

Having zygoma implants is the last resort when no other procedure can be done to reconstruct your mouth. From experience, we can tell you that you will surely need zygomatic dental implants if:

• Your upper jawbone is very low or lacking
• You are currently using a conventional denture
• Sinus lift and bone graft are not an option
• You´ve been toothless for ten years or more

By placing the implants in the zygomatic area instead of the maxillary, zygomatic implants become an alternative for patients with substantial bone loss in the upper jaw. This bone loss can be due to aging, prolonged absence of teeth, trauma, etc.

Were You Told You Couldn’t Get An All On 4?

With Zygomatic implants, you still have the chance to get permanent teeth.
Leave the worries to us and let us help you to have your full-arch implants.

before and after pictures of black woman with an all-on 4 denture with zygomatic implants

Benefits Of Zygomatic Dental Implants In Mexico

A common doubt among our patients is: what are the pros and cons of getting zygomatic dental implants? And they often get amazed by discovering that these full-arch implants come with great benefits and minor drawbacks; these are the most outstanding ones:

benefits of zygomatic dental implants in mexico

Grafless Solution

Zygomatic implants avoid complex sinus lift and bone grafting procedures. Therefore you will have a shorter and more comfortable recovery time.

Immediate Loading

In most cases, unlike conventional implant treatments, zygomatic implants allow for immediate loading right after surgery.

Single Surgery

Although it is a more complex surgery, placing zygomatic implants takes a single session and it’s done much quicker as there is no bone grafting.

dentist in cancun dental design showing a patient his denture after getting an immediate load with zygomatic dental implants

“How Does Immediate Load For Dental Implants Work?”

The biggest advantage of getting zygomatic implants is that you can get the so-called “teeth in a day”, where a dental prosthesis is placed right after implant surgery. However, the immediately loaded teeth work as temporary prosthesis. The final prosthesis will be placed on your second trip, after 4 or 6 months of healing.

Zygomatic Implants Cost In Mexico

Compared To The U.S.A & Canada

The elevated cost of zygomatic dental implants in the U.S. or Canada is one of the main reason why you and many other patients started looking for dental specialists abroad. We understand how difficult it can be to pay for restorative dental treatments, especially without dental insurance.

At Cancun Dental Design, the zygomatic implant cost can save you more than 50% in your full-arch restoration when compared to the U.S. and Canada´s prices.

cost of zygomatic dental implants in Mexico

Average Cost of Zygomatic Implants in the U.S.A

$6,500 USD

per implant

Cost of Zygomatic Implants in Cancun

$2,500 USD

per implant

Average Cost of Zygomatic Implants in Canada

$4,800 USD

per implant

99% success rate among our patients

99% Of Success Rate Among Our Patients

That’s how successful a full-arch restoration is when using zygomatic dental implants. Come to Cancun Dental Design and let our maxillofacial specialist help you.

What Makes Zygomatic Implants So Effective?

The elevated success of these implants relies on the properties of your cheekbones. The zygomatic bone is thick and strong enough to provide the best support possible for dental implants. It also has the benefit that it can´t reabsorb as the jawbone does.

Thanks to the properties of your zygomatic bone, there is no need to add volume or thickness to it, hence, bone grafting and sinus lift are not necessary. This is how patients with severe bone deterioration can get a long-lasting solution and recover much faster.

Example of Cancun Dental Design Patient with Zygomatic Dental Implants

before and after pictures of an elder patient who got zygomatic dental implants in Mexico

Zygomatic Implants Before And After

Are you wondering what you could look like with a zygomatic implant-supported denture? Have a look at some of our patients who recently got a new set of permanent teeth with zygomatic and quad zygoma implants.

How To Get Zygomatic Implants In Cancun Mexico

Your process starts at the moment you contact us to book an appointment. With everything set, you must prepare for making two trips to Cancun, Mexico.

1st Contact:

Let us know more about you and your necessities by a call or e-mail.

• A pre-evaluation with a dental coordinator
• A quotation for your dental treatment
•Schedule your first appointment

2nd First Travel:

You will make your first travel to Cancun for 7 to 10 days.

• First dental evaluation with our specialists
• X-Ray and medical history analyses
• Pre-Implant surgery treatments (only if needed).

3rd Dental Implant Surgery

Implant placement through surgery

• Placement of a temporary dental prosthesis after the surgery.

4st Healing Process:

You will return home to heal properly after the surgery.

• 6 months until the osseointegration finishes.

5th Second Travel:

You will return to our clinic for at least 7 days.

• Receive your final permanent implant denture
• Final adjustments and prosthesis placement

6th Departure & Follow-Up:

Now you can enjoy your new smile.

• We will keep in touch with you. You can visit us again anytime

Full-Arch Restorations With Zygomatic Implants In Mexico

Hybrid Zygomatic + Regular Implants Treatment

This treatment approach combines both zygomatic and regular dental implants to create support for the dental prosthesis.

Quad Zygomatic Dental Implants Treatment

This treatment approach uses 4 zygomatic dental implants only to create support for the dental prosthesis. It is only suitable for patients with no maxillary bone density.

From: 15,000 USD

(upper arch)
• Two zygomatic implants
• Two regular implants
• Dental implantation surgery
• Temporary and final dental prosthesis

From: 18,000 USD

(upper arch)
• Four zygomatic implants
• Dental implantation surgery
• Temporary and final dental prosthesis

full arch restorations with zygomatic implants mexico

dentist at cancun dental design explaining what is the quad zygomatic dental implant treatment

“What Are Quad Zygomatic Implants?”

Sometimes, when the placement of anterior implants is not possible, the dentist can insert two additional zygomatic implants (making it 4 in total). These two extra implants need to be placed at a specific angle to properly compensate for the lack of bone height in the anterior and posterior maxilla. With 4 implants in the zygoma bone, biting forces are distributed correctly.

Zygomatic Dental Implants Reviews In Mexico

You no longer have to hesitate about getting your zygomatic implants. We can help you to rescue your smile with the most effective dental implant procedure. Have a look at John Johnson’s review, one of our patients who, after 10 years, finally got his teeth done in no time at our clinic.

Get My Personalized Pre Evaluation

    What To Expect About Zygomatic Implant Surgery

    what expec about zygomatic implant surgery

    Maxillofacial Surgeons

    All your dental reconstruction will be planned and performed by our maxillofacial surgeons and prosthodontists. With more than 15 years of experience, they will take care of your treatment with safety and efficiency.

    Outpatient Surgery

    Although the surgery for zygomatic implants is somewhat more complex, it is still an outpatient surgery. You will be able to leave immediately after surgery and return to your hotel to rest. Unless excessive swelling or pain appears, hospitalization after surgery is not needed.

    Painless Dental Work

    Among the specialists present at the dental implant surgery, there will be an anesthesiologist who will provide conscious sedation to inhibit pain during the surgical process. You will not feel any pain until the anesthesia wears off.

    Teeth In A Day

    You will be able to leave the surgery with a long-lasting fixed temporary prosthesis that will allow you to speak, eat and smile normally. You will have to wear this denture for 6 months until the zygomatic implants are integrated into the bone and your mouth heals. Afterward, you will receive the final prosthesis.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Zygomatic Implants

    How To Know If I Can Get Teeth In A Day With Zygomatic Implants?

    Only a dental specialist can determine if a patient is suitable or not for immediate loading after dental implant surgery. This is done by taking into account multiple criteria before and after the implant placement.

    What Is The Cost Of Zygomatic Dental Implants In Mexico?

    Can Dental Insurance Cover Zygomatic Implants In Mexico?

    How Long Do Zygomatic Implants Last?

    A full-arch reconstruction with zygomatic dental implants can easily last for more than 20 years. As long as you take proper care of your implants and denture by going with your dentist periodically for checkups.

    Zygomatic Implants Can Be Placed In The Lower Jaw?

    Are Zygomatic Implants Considered Major Surgery?

    How Long Does It Take For Zygomatic Implants To Heal?


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