Why Mexico For Dental Care?

What you need to know before you go to Mexico for dental care

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Would you trust a dentist in Mexico to work on your teeth to save a few hundred dollars? More and more people are now doing that. But, not all clinics are created equal, so it’s important you do your research before you go.


    6 years agoIf American dentists don’t like Americans going to Mexico to have their dental work done to save THOUSANDS of dollars, perhaps they should start LOWERING their prices to a reasonable level. Yeah, the American dentists are regulated, and that cost is passed directly on to the consumer. I literally can not afford to get dental work done in the US. It is prohibitively expensive. I am going to save up my money, do some research, and I am going to Mexico to have my freaking teeth worked on!


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    6 years agoLOL, saving a few hundred?? In my case I can save 6K!!!!


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    6 years ago (edited)My teeth were falling out. Went to Mexico to have all of them pulled and got dentures. Total cost $2700. In the U.S. would have cost about $10,000. Took two days. Day 1 Xrays and fitting with a mold. Day 2 extractions and dentures ready and wore them back home to Arizona. American dentists overcharge. Worth it? DUH!!!


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    4 years agoMy uncle was a dentist over there in Nogales México and I remember him being a professional. He would always tell me that he had to do his best and use the most expensive technology so American would come back to our country. There was not a day that went by, that he wasn’t studying or learning new things.


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    5 years agoThe American Dentist Association, “They took our jobs!”


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    2 years agoThe biggest ‘risk’ here is not to the patient seeking cheaper dental care, but the dentists in the US who overcharge and hence are losing their patients.


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    6 years agoFew hundred? more like thousands.



    4 years agoI’m going down to Mexico for new teeth. This video convinced me.



    5 years agoI made up my mind already about this. They just don’t want to lose business to the overseas dentist


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    1 year agoI have had three failed root canals all done in San Jose California. My brother in law went to Mexico for dental implants and he said it was the best experience ever. After knowing about his experience, I too will be going to Mexico, after doing my research I am excited to go. I will be saving over 10k by going to Mexico.


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    1 year agoMEXICAN DENTIST AND THE ENTIRE MEXICAN PEOPLE ARE THE BEST PEOPLE THAT I HAVE MET! When i went to Tijuana and have my implants done, al the stereotypes flew out of the window and my respect for MEXICO as a whole shoot up beyond the farthest galaxy.


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    3 years agoI hate how some people make it seem that dentistry/cosmetic dentistry is like performing open heart surgery! Mexican dentists are often just as good as American dentists (or at times better)!


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    2 months agoI just went to Tijuana to do all on 6 surgery. I’am very pleased so far, everything was painless. Amazing service. And now I’m into my first week of a 6 month recovery. Before I get my permanent teeth put in.



    5 years agoHundreds? You mean thousands.



    5 years agoSaving a few hundred? One reason dental work is expensive in the U.S. is – in part – due to insurance for dentist. Why? Because so many engage in malpractice and end up getting sued for their malpractice. On top of that – many of the dentist treating you are from other countries themselves! Don’t fall for this idea that somehow you are getting better treatment here just b/c the piece of land you are standing on has a different name.


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    6 years agoDentist prices in the USA are crazy outrageous. My brother went to Thailand and had his decayed teeth drilled and crowns put on for half of what the dentist in USA quoted. He is going back for an implant next month. He said the clinics there are spotless, the doctors are all highly trained and educated. But do your research first and pick a reputable clinic.


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      2 years agoWas in Mérida, Mexico on vacation and decided to have my teeth checked, 2 small cavities and a cleaning US75,00. Great dentist, professional and patient for a chicken like me. Every time me or one of my sons travel we have our teeth done somewhere else. Good experiences in Uruguay, Argentina and Panama so far besides Mexico, I have had work done in the States and was really not pleased at all


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      5 years agoI just got quoted $12.000 for a treatment i need here in Nevada….Time to dust off the Ol Passport


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      2 years agoFew hundred bucks my arse lmao all my work in the USA will cost 35,000 in Mexico is gonna be 11,000! I’m getting my teeth finally fixed and getting a vacation and the clinic is ADA certified.


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      5 years ago (edited)Def goin to research going away to get work done. My dentists here in Canada quoted me $60k for a full mouth restoration. That is just freakin criminal in my opinion. Good dental care is only for the wealthy it seems


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      5 years agoIn Michoacan where I moved my braces are going to cost 250 dollars and when I used to live in the US they were going to cost 5000 PEOPLE 5000 dollars


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      6 years agoIs not regulated like it is in Arizona means doesnt have prohibitive costs that only the rich can afford. Sorry jerks, poor people need dental work too & we’re going to Mexico to get it thanks to your greed & “regulations”. Working people are suffering.


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      6 years ago (edited)Interesting that the Dentist says “it may not be the best alternative”! Is he willing to drop his outlandish prices so people can afford to stay in the states to get dental work done?Seems like he is possibly scared of the competition and losing money. Oh well! Some of us cannot afford $4000 pet implant!


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      5 years agoIt’s not a ‘3D printer’, it’s a milling machine that mills your crown out of a ceramic blank. Another machine bakes the proper color enamel on it.



      4 years agoSick and tired of North American dentists taking advantage of us…. I could tell you horror stories what they did to me…. One time I had a filling replaced twice because it fell out and I had to pay Full price each time… For the shoddy work….. They pulled a back molder that the roots went into the sinus lining they didn’t tell me…. It ripped the sinus lining and infection started three sets of antibiotics later…. I started to get suspicious so I went to a specialist he asked me who the butcher was….. I had to have surgery and my vocals have not been the same….. Can I sue them, no I’m the little guy and they’re protected…… Of course they don’t want to lose business to Mexico……. They don’t even have the latest technology that Mexico’s been doing for years…. Or understand the procedures….Read more


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      3 years agoI got my all on 4 implants top and bottom done in Mexico had an amazing experience and saved about 60k compared to prices in Pennsylvania


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      5 years agoNo problems here. Gone to Los Algodones multiple times. Saved over 20k+


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      5 years agoIt is the same job and the same quality of it, just here in Mexico is really cheaper than in USA, it is really cheap even for meddle class Mexicans. If Americans come to Mexico and they leave money for the job we do its okay. Thanks for comming have a nice dental health 😉



      6 years agoI live in Monterrey Mexico, I had 2 dental work and everything was fine and no problem at all


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      2 years agoThe “best ” alternative ? From what I have seen is beyond my ability to pay. The only people who ,so far, have said don’t go to Mexico for dental work, work in the dental profession. People who live in my city , who have gone, recommend I go. They are very happy with the results, none report problems. I have recently started research into this , and will continue my research.Read more



        2 years agoSame thing here in the US. I see lots of horrible work done by implant dentists here US. One is a dental implant doctor and his teeth poking out of his mouth like Bugs Bunny.


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        5 years agoThey are trying to down play it on the news you save thousands get referred by someone who has been and you will be alright and happy I’m going down there from Arizona in a few months.


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        2 years agoDental prices here in the US is shocking. I had 1 extraction today, cost me almost 2000 dollars. Now im planning on a dental trip for my other problems.



        3 years agoMy sister and her husband went down there and had thousands of dollars worth of dental work done and they are very happy



        5 years agoGoing to Puerto vallarta for veneers, screw our corrupt system.



        6 years agoOf course I would trust someone as long as they’re experienced.



        5 years ago (edited)Of course is a regulated activity, you have to have the permits to work, its insanity thinking about our goverment allowing like 600 of clinics working out of the law, I work as a dentist assistent near México city and we should have permits to work if we dont do that we will be fined, so its stupid thinking about working without permits, come to México and you will not regret it, look for the better options, you can check their licenses before you come their are called “cedula profesional”, there is a web page from our goverment were you can see if your dentist have the licenses they need to practice dentistry, dont be afraid, they have had good education, when they were students they practiced with real people and no mannequins, so when they finish school they have had experience working with real patients. Welcome to México neighbors!!!Read more



        3 years agoI’m here because I’m researching Mexican dental care after getting a quote for 5k today for two crowns and a tooth extraction. I live near Juarez, Mexico, and you bet your bottom I’m seriously considering hopping the border to save some money.


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        1 year agoI have been totally screwed by an expensive dentist here in the US. Then he took ALL my money so I couldn’t do anything to fix what went wrong and I was seriously frightened of this dentist ever looking in my mouth again. Dentistry IS serious health care and impacts your health hugely. When teeth get old and really start breaking down and more drastic, even dangerous, and expensive, measures are necessary. I would go to Mexico, but I would take my time choosing a dentist and be especially cautious. Bad things with dentistry can happen anywhere, though.Read more



        4 years agoWhat’s the name of the dental office they were interviewing at? Why don’t they ever disclose that in these news stories?



        3 years agoIf there was actual insurance for dental work that covered procedures and not just 10% with a cap of $1,000 – $1,500 and dentist charged fees that are reasonable and attainable instead of outrageous and numbing better than nonvaccine than people wouldn’t be forced into alternatives. You can save thousands of dollars not just hundreds that the news bimbo said, depends on the procedure.


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        2 years agoA few hundred bucks? They quoted me 3 missing mollars implants for $3600, for all 3! In America, they said it would be around $4000 each, $12,000 total!! That’s $8400 savings, minus traveling costs, it’s around $7800 in savings!!


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        2 years agoA few hundred dollars, I have had 18000 dollars worth of work in Los Algodones that would have been 60000 in the u.s. Best dental experience ever, treated like a real person, new facilities. Also they guarantee their work for 5 years. In u.s. lucky if you get a week.


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        Thier offices out there is much cleaner and their treatment is all about the customer and not always about the $$$ like America. In The US it’s amazing how you could pay almost 8k for a tooth implant when in Tijuana its about 2k for the best on the market.