Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry Price Cost Tijuana Mexico 

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A veneer is a “thin piece of porcelain used to re-create the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel.” They are custom made to the contour of your teeth and are bonded to the tooth’s original enamel during a series of in-office procedures. The typical process takes one to two appointments. If the veneer is prefabricated it usually takes one appointment and if the laboratory is creating the veneer it takes two appointments. Local anesthesia is not usually required when placing veneers. An impression of the tooth will be made for the laboratory and a temporary veneer will be placed on the tooth with spot etching in the center of the tooth away from the margins. The temporary veneer is removed, the tooth is cleaned with pumice and water. The adhesive is placed on the preparation and then the cement and the veneer is placed for exact fit and contour. The veneer is then light cured for 60 seconds on all surfaces of it to attach it to the tooth structure. We will remove any excess material and polish the margins of the veneer. We will schedule a follow-up visit to check for comfort; a comfortable veneer will be a long-lasting veneer.