Teeth Whitening

How To Get Whiter Teeth!

Show off your smile

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a treatment performed in dental clinics that consists of reducing the tone of the teeth by oxygenating the teeth. Thus, we make our patients’ smile look whiter and brighter through a system that does not cause any type of pain.

Advantages of teeth whitening

After a teeth whitening procedure, our teeth will look whiter and brighter than ever , so our general aesthetics will greatly improve. We will have a much more attractive smile and we will feel better about ourselves , since we will gain confidence in the face of others.

Current customs make it very common for teeth to lose the appropriate white tone, and that is why teeth whitening has become one of the most common procedures in dental clinics . That is why we are talking about a controlled process that will surely help both the patient’s self-esteem and well-being .

What are dental veneers used for?

I have dark teeth, why?

There are three types of materials with which dental veneers can be made. All three result in a better smile and whiter teeth, but their final properties differentiate them from each other. That is why it will be your dentist who must decide which type of dental veneer is appropriate for your teeth:

Types of dental stains

Types of dental stains

Endogenous or intrinsic

These types of stains cause a change inside the tooth. This can happen due to a wide variety of causes, although it is usually related to behaviors that are harmful to oral health during the teeth eruption process.

Exogenous or extrinsic

On the other hand, exogenous or extrinsic stains affect the outer layer of the tooth. The cause of these stains is the consumption of dark foods or drinks, such as coffee or wine. Smoking is also one of the most common causes of this type of stain, which causes a deterioration in the color of the tooth.

How does teeth whitening work?

Tooth whitening is carried out by oxygenating the tooth from the outside to the inside. This has an impact on the fundamental element that gives color to our teeth. Thanks to technological advances and the accumulated experience of dentists, we can ensure that it is a safe and painless process that will allow you to enjoy a movie-like smile in just a few sessions.

Are there risks during teeth whitening?

It is very likely that, after teeth whitening, the patient will feel sensitivity in their teeth. That is why the specialized dentist will recommend some guidelines to follow to reduce this negative effect as much as possible. Beyond that, teeth whitening does not pose any danger to the patient.

Before and after teeth whitening

Before and after teeth whitening

Problems with cavities

It is important to know that, if we have cavities, we will not be able to undergo teeth whitening. They will have to be healed before the procedure, which can be done in the same consultation.

What to do after teeth whitening?

We should avoid dark foods and drinks that can darken our teeth again and follow a white diet. Thus, we ensure that the effect of teeth whitening lasts over time.

Tooth whitening process

Dental veneers step by step

Tooth cleaning

Before we can carry out the teeth whitening procedure, we must do a quick cleaning of the tooth. This way, we will ensure that there are no residues in the enamel.

Dental veneers step by step

We apply hydrogen peroxide

It acts for about 15 minutes on the superficial surfaces of the teeth. Thus, the tone of the teeth will decrease during each of the sessions.

Dental veneers step by step

Tooth oxygenation

To facilitate the process, the teeth are illuminated using LED lights. This stage of teeth whitening is called photo-polymerization.

Dental veneers step by step

Session End

Once the treatment is finished, the used products are removed and the session is concluded. The patient will have to visit us more times to continue with the process.

Do you have any questions about teeth whitening?

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