Snap In Dentures Cost in Mexico

Find out why thousands of patients have chosen Cancun Dental Design as the best place to get Snap-On dentures in Mexico. Here you will find out more about the most affordable dental implant treatment. Get to know the costs, benefits, options, processes, and timeframes.

snap-on dentures in mexico

patient with a snap-in dentures in mexico

patient with snap-on dentures in mexico

how much snap-on dentures cost mexico

How Much Do Snap On Dentures Cost In Mexico?

What is the cost of snap on dentures in Mexico? The average Snap-On dentures cost in Mexico goes on average from 3,000 USD to 8,000 USD per arch.  At Cancun Dental Design, you can get a removable implant-supported denture for 4,800 (2 implants) to 6,750 (4 implants) depending on how many Implants (USD 900 each) are placed to anchor your overdenture.

Getting Snap On Dentures In Mexico

If you are looking to improve your mouth and smile with dental implants for the lowest cost, getting a Snap-In denture in Cancun, Mexico is the best and most affordable dental implant alternative. Especially when compared to other countries.

Having a Snap-on denture can be a life-changing experience for you. It is completely possible to get new teeth, and it takes a single trip to Cancun. If you already have a conventional denturean implant-retained overdenture is ideal for you.

Snap On Dentures Cost In Mexico Vs The U.S.A. & Canada

While costs in the United States and Canada for any type of dental implant treatment become more expensive, in Cancun, Mexico we offer affordable prices that fit the budget of our patients.

A Snap-On denture with regular implants at Cancun Dental Design starts at 4,800 USD. This includes your overdenture fabrication, implant placement surgery, and O-rings.

Average Cost For Snap-On
Dentures in the U.S.

$8,000 USD
Per Arch

– 2 lower regular implants.
– Housings and O-rings

Cost Of Snap-On Dentures in Cancun Dental Design

$4,800 USD
Per Arch

– 2 lower regular implants.
– Housings and O-rings

Average Cost For Snap On
Dentures in Canada

$6,000 USD
Per Arch

– 2 lower regular implants.
– Housings and O-rings

Why Come To Cancun Dental Design For Your Snap-On Denture

  • We care for you and look forward to seeing you smile again.
  • Same level of quality as the U.S.A on your treatment
  • Cost and time-effective treatment process
  • Dentists with 15 years of experience in dental implants
  • Over 1000 smile restorations with Snap-On Dentures
  • Assistance with lodging & free transportation is included
  • Experience the opportunity to have a dental vacation
  • Return home with a perfect and natural-looking smile

Did You Know? We Have An In-House Dental Lab

The In-house dental laboratory brings multiple benefits to the outcome of your treatment. Technologies like CAD/CAM milling machines, 3D CB/CT scans, and digital dental design software, give us the ability to provide dental work of the highest quality at a much faster rate and lower cost.

How An In-House Lab Makes Your Treatment Better?

  • Faster turnarounds for your Snap On Denture
  • Allows the full customization of your denture
  • Provides detailed planning and design tools
  • Cuts your treatment time by half

cancun dental implant specialists

Let Our Dental Implant Specialists Help You

With more than 10 years of experience in dental implant-based treatments, our team of certificated professionals will work with the commitment to see you smile with confidence again.

Comprehension & Analysis

The specialists will discuss the goals for your treatment. Then, by using modern dental technologies, they will evaluate your oral condition and plan your treatment with precision.

Safe And Holistic Approach

In every step of the non-surgical, and surgical processes, the specialists will work under strict safety and hygiene protocols and preserve your health as a whole.

Advanced Digital Dental Design

With all the information, and with the aid of our in-house laboratory, and 3D modeling tools, the specialist will plan and design the smile you are looking for.

Snap-On Denture
Before And After In Mexico

These are the results that successful treatment with a Snap-On Denture can give you. Let us help you achieve your ideal smile with one of the best dental implant treatments

Snap-on denture before and after in mexico

Snap-On Dentures Reviews In Mexico

This is one of our patient’s experiences with a Snap-on denture treatment at our state-of-the-art dental clinic. If you are hesitant about doing your dental work outside of the U.S., you can watch our video reviews.

Linda suffered from severe biting problems with her traditional denture, but now she can enjoy a beautiful smile and such problems are far gone. Discover more about Linda´s experience at Cancun Dental Design and share her happiness.

    Get My Personalized Pre Evaluation

      The Benefits Of Palateless Snap-On Denture

      • The denture doesn’t cover the roof of your mouth
      • Less bulkiness, and less plastic material
      • You can taste your favorite foods
      • Allows for better and stronger biting
      • Comfortable fit while talking, laughing, smiling, or eating
      • Stops the bone loss that occurs when teeth are missing
      • Allow the use of mini dental implants for faster turnarounds.

      Is It Possible To Switch A
      Snap-In Denture To An All-On 4?

      The biggest benefit of acquiring a removable overdenture with conventional implants is that it allows you to get an All-On 4 superstructure later at a much lower price, only at Cancun Dental Design.

      If you can’t get an all-on 4 at the moment, having a Snap-On denture is the most appropriate way to start. You can get used to the implants and make your further process much easier with our help.

      What do you need to get an All-On 4 after a Snap-On Denture?

      You must get your Snap-On denture with 4 upper and 4 lower regular implants

      Snap On Denture w/ 4 regular implants

      $6,750 USD
      Per Arch

      – 4 regular implants
      – Housings + O-Rings

      switch snap-on-denture to an all-on 4

      mini implants in mexico

      Snap-On Dentures With
      Mini Implants In Mexico

      We are one of the few specialized dental clinics that offer mini implants in Cancun. Mini dental implants are an excellent alternative for patients with little bone density left in their jaw. Only a dental specialist can recommend you get mini dental implants.

      You can eliminate the hassle of surgery and recovery involved with traditional dental implants by getting mini dental implants for your snap-in denture instead.

      The Pros Of Getting
      Mini Dental Implants In Cancun

      • Mini Implants are a bone graft-less solution
      • You will get your final Snap-On Denture in a single trip
      • Make your treatment almost 50% more cost-effective
      • Restore your smile with long-lasting results
      • More time to enjoy your dental vacation in Cancun

      pros of getting mini dental implants

      Mini Dental Implants Vs Traditional Dental Implants

      Snap-on overdentures have the benefit of being one of the most versatile dental implant solutions. At Cancun Dental Design, you can get your snap-in denture with traditional implants or mini dental implants.

      mini dental iImplants vs traditional dental implants

      Mini Dental Implants Advantages

      Thinner, But Durable

      Mini implants have a diameter of 3mm or less, which makes them a perfect alternative for patients with bone recession. These implants are long-lasting and durable, but not as much as regular ones.

      Quicker And Less Invasive Surgery

      Getting mini implants is a much faster process thanks to their small size. Your implant surgery will last a third or a half less and your mouth will be in much better shape afterward.

      Faster Recovery & Results

      With mini-implants, you will heal and receive your final dental prosthesis much faster. Usually, a week or two will be enough for your jawbone and gums to heal properly.

      Traditional Implants Advantages

      More Durable & Long-Lasting

      Compared to mini implants, regular implants are much more resistant and durable over time. They commonly require less maintenance and are easier to fix if needed.

      Upgradable To An All On 4

      Having traditional dental implants allows for the possibility to get permanent dentures like an All-On 4 after a Snap-On denture if you wish such an upgrade.

      Better Support For Your Denture

      Traditional implants provide much better support for your snap-in denture. This translates to less stress for your jawbone and gums when chewing or biting your food.

      Why Does Bone Quality For Dental Implants Matter?

      Bone quality and density refer to the condition and amount of your jawbone respectively.

      The proper analysis of your bone density will determine which kind of dental implant suits you better.

      We can help you to know if you are a suitable candidate for Snap-On Dentures based on the bone quality and density that you have on your upper and lower jaw.

      Bone Density Classification For Dental Implants

      When you undergo an X-Ray analysis, our dentists will determine the quality and quantity of your bone. To have the best results with your dental implants, your bone needs to be a D1 or D2 type, depending on the type of tooth implant you need.

      snap on dentures with regular dental implants

      If You Want A Snap-On Denture With Regular Implants:

      You must have enough amount of D2 type bone, which is strong enough and has the best osseointegration and healing capabilities. Due to the diameter of traditional implants, they need more time to heal and osseo integrate to your jawbone.

      If You Want A Snap-On Denture With Mini Implants:

      You must have a good amount of D1 type bone, which is the densest and strongest bone in the jaw. Mini implants cause less trauma in your jaw but need much better stability and strength from the bone to compensate for their small size.

      snap on dentures with mini dental implants

      mini dental implants cost in mexico

      Mini Dental Implants Cost In Mexico

      The cost of mini dental implants in Mexico goes from 400 USD to 650 USD on average. At Cancun Dental Design, mini implants cost 450 USD per piece.

      Mini-dental implants are made of titanium and integrate a ball abutment. Getting more implants will provide better retention for your Snap-On denture.

      Snap-On Denture With Mini Dental Implants Cost

      Mini-Implant Snap-On Denture w/ 4 mini implants

      $3,500 USD
      Per Arch

      – 4 mini Implants
      – Housings + O-rings

      Mini Implant Snap-On Denture
      w/ 6 mini implants

      $4,450 USD
      Per Arch

      – 6 mini implants
      – Housings + O-rings

      Snap-On Denture Process At Cancun Dental Design

      How To Get Your Treatment

      1st Contact:

      Let us know more about you and your necessities by calling or e-mail. We can contact you as well if you prefer. By contacting us you will receive:

      • A free pre-evaluation with a dental advisor
      • A free quotation for your dental treatment
      • An appointment at our dental clinic

      2nd First Travel:

      You will make your first travel to Cancun (for 7 to 10 days). In this stage you will get:

      • A comprehensive dental evaluation with our specialists
      • Pre-Implant surgery treatments (only if needed)
      • Implant placement surgery & temporary prosthesis

      3rd Healing Process:

      You will return home to heal properly after the surgery. This process takes 6 months until the osseointegration of your implants finishes.

      6th Departure & Follow Up:

      Now you can enjoy your new smile, but we want to keep in touch with you. Feel free to call us or visit us for further treatments, or adjustments.

      4th Second Travel:

      You will return to our clinic for at least 7 days to receive and test your final dental prosthesis. These will be your new snap-in denture.

      5th Final Adjustments:

      During the second travel, the dental specialists will evaluate your final restoration’s comfort, aesthetics, and functionality to make the necessary adjustments before you go.

      Forget About Your
      Current Denture!

      You no longer have to feel embarrassed, fearful, and uncomfortable with your denture. Let us provide you with a permanent solution for you to smile and enjoy your life again.

      what makes cancun dental design unique

      Why a Snap-In Denture Is Much Better For You?

      By getting a Snap-In Denture at Cancun Dental Design, you can solve all the problems related to a conventional denture. There will be no more sore lesions, tasteless food, bulkiness, and fear of getting ashamed of your denture.

      Snap-On Dentures Vs. Conventional Dentures

      Snap-On DentureConvencional Denture
      • Improves your lifestyle as a whole• Makes you feel uncomfortable and insecure
      • No need for denture glues to retain the overdenture• Needs denture resin to stay in place
      • Removable: easy to snap on and off• Removable but prone to get loose
      • The denture puts less stress on your soft tissue• Needs constant realignment
      • Stops further jawbone deterioration• Doesn’t stop bone loss

      Types Of Snap-On Dentures In Cancun

      Overdenture Attachments

      An implant retention attachment is the one that helps to keep your Snap-On denture fixed in place. At Cancun Dental Design, you can choose between three options.

      Which Type Of Snap-On Is Better For Me?

      Every retention system available at Cancun Dental Design is a fantastic option for you. The one that suits you best will be determined by our dental specialists based on your mouth´s condition, and the Dental Implants you get.

      patient with a locator overdenture

      Locator Attachment Overdenture

      The Locator retention system uses nylon inserts that attach to a drum-like metal cap abutment. Such inserts come in black color (zero retention) blue color (light retention), pink color (medium retention), and white color (strong retention).

      patient with a bar overdenture with implants

      Bar Overdenture

      Using a titanium bar for an overdenture provides the greatest level of retention among any other options. The bar also gives your overdenture more strength and reduces the amount of stress on the implants and soft tissue.

      patient with a ball abutment overdenture

      Ball Abutment Overdenture

      The ball abutment system is commonly used with mini dental implants. The ball attachment fits into a metal housing embedded in the overdenture to retain it in place. Ball abutments use a rubber-like O-ring that will wear off over time.

      Snap-On Dentures
      Vs All On 4

      Restorative dental treatments available at Cancun Dental Design have multiple advantages. This is a brief comparison between a Snap-On denture and an All-on 4. If you wish to know more, contact our dental advisors for further details.

      Snap-On Dentures

      • Cheapest cost
      • Removable
      • Implant-retained
      • Can use mini implants
      • Plateless
      • Cheap maintenance
      • Limited customization
      • Made of reinforced acrylic

      All-On 4

      • Costlier
      • Completely fixed
      • Implant-supported
      • More customizable
      • Slimmer and resistant
      • Need for maintenance
      • Made of Zirconia or acrylic
      • Permanent solution

      Snap-On Dentures Vs 3 On 6 Dental Implants

      The 3-On-6 is an advanced full-mouth restorative procedure. Compared with the all-on-four and overdentures, 3-On-6 implant bridges do not use pink material, therefore making it the most aesthetic and comfortable alternative.

      Snap-On Dentures

      • Cheapest cost
      • Removable
      • Implant-retained
      • Can use mini implants
      • Plateless
      • Cheap maintenance
      • Limited customization
      • Made of reinforced acrylic

      3-On-6 bridges

      • The most costly option
      • Completely fixed
      • Implant-supported
      • Cleans like natural teeth
      • Greater aesthetics
      • Minimal maintenance
      • Doesn´t need to be removed
      • Doesn’t use artificial gums

      Snap-On Dentures Alternatives In Cancun, Mexico

      All-On 4 Implants in Mexico

      Costs start at
      $11,000 USD
      Per Arch

      The all-on-four technique uses 4, dental implants in the upper and lower jaw to support a full-arch dental prosthesis. The materials used for it are highly resistant and aesthetic.

      3-On-6 Dental Implants in Mexico

      Costs start at
      $12,000 USD
      Per Arch

      The 3-on-6 technique involves three dental bridges placed over six dental implants per arch. It doesn’t use acrylic gums, making it the most natural-feeling restorative option.

      alternatives for snap-on dentures in mexico

      Frequently Asked Questions
      About Snap-On Dentures

      Is It Cheaper To Get Snap-On Dentures In Mexico?

      How Do Snap-In / Snap-On Dentures Work?

      Can Snap-On Dentures Be Done In One Day At Cancun Dental Design?

      How Long Does It Take To Get Snap-On Dentures In Mexico?

      How Long Does A Snap-On Denture Last?

      What Makes Snap On Dentures More Affordable At Cancun Dental Design?

      What Happens If You Leave Your Snap-On Denture All The Time?

      Can I Get My Snap-On Denture Covered By Insurance In Cancun Mexico?