Quality Medical & Dental Care in Mexico

Quality Medical & Dental Care in Mexico
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Best thing we ever did, and will continue do so until the US is able to take care of its citizens, the MEDICAL/DENTAL system in this country is broken, and the government lets it continue/ does nothing to stop the gouging, you do not see people coming to this country to get medical/dental work done they are leaving to do it!!! Our long term plan if things do not change is to live in a country that we can get affordable, quality medical/dental care so we stay healthy in our older age and enjoy life with out worrying about going bankrupt from medical bills (which everybody will at some point or die). I talked to a Canadian gentleman (mid 70), at the dentist office in Mexico, he drilled me for 2 hours, asking questions. What the scary part was when we were done, he asked me if I wanted to hear his opinion of our long conversation. I said yes, what is your opinion (SCARRY BUT TRUE) ” HE STATED THAT THE RICH AND THE POOR WILL BE FINE IN AMERICA, THEY HAVE ACCESS TO MEDICAL/DENTAL THE COUNTRY (US) IS KILLING ITS WORKING MIDDLE CLASS, THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE AMERICA WHAT IT IS, ARE GETTING SICK , WEAK, REFUSE/CAN NOT GO TO GET HELP THEY REQUIRE TO STAY HEALTHY AND STRONG , he stated that if on the current path the US will fall/fail. THAT WAS A VERY SCARY COMMENT “”” BUT VERY TRUE FROM A FORINER PRESPECTIVE.