Orthognathic Jaw Surgery In Mexico

All You Need To Know

We are one of the few dental clinics in Mexico that offers orthognathic surgery (otherwise called jaw surgery or double jaw surgery) with the surgery-first approach. Learn more about the prices, benefits, and timeframes related to getting jaw surgery at Cancun Dental Design.

orthognathic jaw sugery mexico

Getting An Orthognathic Surgery In Cancun Mexico

Usually, people who come to Cancun Dental Design for orthognathic surgery, have already been diagnosed by their orthodontist, but the elevated cost of jaw surgery in the United States or Canada is a limiting factor for them. And you probably have to deal with the same issue.

You no longer need to worry, our dental clinic in Cancun is the ideal place to be if you are looking for an affordable way to have orthognathic jaw surgery or double jaw surgery with a certified maxillofacial dentist.

dentist holding an X-ray of a patient who will get an orthognathic suregery in mexicio

Benefits Of Corrective Jaw Surgery

  • Corrects functional bite problems
  • Resolves facial asymmetry issues
  • Helps you to eat, speak and breathe better
  • Enhances your facial aesthetics
  • Reduces TMJ disorders or symptoms
  • Corrects mandible and maxilla position

Let´s Get My Jaw Surgery

Jaw Surgery Cost In Mexico

Jaw surgery costs in Mexico can go from 10,000 USD to 15,000 USD on average, which is already a much better deal for many patients. Getting jaw surgery without insurance in the U.S. may cost up to $50,000 and we understand how difficult it can be to pay such an amount.

Fortunately, by coming to our dental clinic, you can save up to 50% on your maxillofacial treatment, as the cost for any orthognathic jaw surgery starts at 8,000 USD per arch.

jaw surgery cost mexico

V-Line Surgery

Starting at:

$8,000 USD

Double Jaw Surgery Cost (bimaxillary)

Starting at:

$12,000 USD

Orthognathic Surgery Cost (One Arch)

Starting at:

$8,000 USD

cancun dental design´s dentist doing an 3D Xray on a patient for jaw surgery

How Is Jaw Surgery Performed?

There are two methods to undergo orthognathic surgery at our dental clinic in Cancun, Mexico. The first one is the traditional method which involves the following 3 steps:

  • 1. Pre-surgery orthodontics: You will need to undergo orthodontic treatment for six, twelve, or eighteen months before the jaw surgery to correct teeth misalignment.
  • 2. Orthognathic Surgery: Once your teeth get aligned, you will undergo jaw corrective surgery. You can need overbite surgery, underbite surgery, or both.
  • 3. Post-surgery orthodontics: After you recover from the orthognathic surgery, you will return to orthodontics for six to twelve months to complete the alignment process.

The Surgery-First Approach In Orthognathic Surgery

The second way to perform an orthognathic surgery is through the Surgery-First Approach; it is a surgical methodology that has revolutionized the field of orthognathic surgery in recent years due to the shortening of the treatment time. Here at Cancun Dental Design, we are the only dental clinic in Cancun, Mexico that works under this approach, as we believe that it is most effective for the patients that are suitable candidates for this surgical method.

Surgery First Approach Benefits:

The main benefits of the SFA (surgery-first approach) for single or double jaw surgery are the following:

• You will be free of wearing braces before jaw surgery.
• The treatment time reduces to 6 to 8 months only
• You can choose when to undergo the jaw surgery
• The results will be visible in a shorter timeframe

Compared to the traditional method, the surgery-first approach is a two-step process by removing the pre-surgery orthodontics. This allows our patients to experience a shorter treatment, but it may extend the orthodontic treatment after the surgery.

How Do I Know If I Can Undergo The Surgery-First Approach?

Our dental specialists have to evaluate your maxillofacial and dental condition in depth; they will study your jaw bone, the nerves, muscles, and your whole facial structure. It will also be necessary to take a deep look into your swallowing, chewing, and breathing functions. If you present mild to moderate crowding or misalignment, and your arch condition is acceptable, we can use the SFA in your single or double jaw surgery.

patient of cancun dental design with an x-ray caption of her orthognathic surgery with the surgery first approach

before and after comparison to explain what is orthgnathic surgery

“What Is Orthognathic Surgery, Exactly?”

Orthognathic surgery (also known as double jaw surgery or corrective jaw surgery) is the process of surgically repositioning the upper or lower jaw to realign the bite and fix overbite or underbite problems.

Types Of Jaw Surgery

How Orthognathic Surgery Works

Overbite Surgery (Maxillary Steotomy)

Also classified as The Le Fort I, it is an upper jaw surgery that consists of the maxillary horizontal osteotomy (bone cutting) over the line of the teeth. It allows to reposition of the maxilla into the correct position or inclination to fix the overbite malocclusion.

• Corrects the upper jaw position
• Eliminates the gummy smile issue
• Helps with sleep apnea
• Fixes the open bite condition

Overbite surgery before and after of a cancun dental desing n´s young male patient

underbite surgery before and after of a cancun dental desingn´s young girl patient

Underbite Surgery (Mandibular Osteotomy)

Otherwise called the Bilateral Sagittal Split is a lower jaw surgery that consists of a mandibular osteotomy to stretch or retrude the jaw. This type of surgery allows the mandible to be adjusted and fixed in the desired position to correct the underbite malocclusion

• Corrects the lower jaw position
• Improves speech and eating
• Enhances aesthetics
• Fixes the open bite condition

Double Jaw Surgery (Bimaxillary Osteotomy)

Bimaxillary surgery occurs when two osteotomy techniques are needed to fix the upper and lower jaw malfunction and misalignment. This is the most common way to perform orthognathic surgery as most patients have upper and lower jaw issues.

• Corrects both upper and lower jaw
• Improves overall facial aesthetics
• Solves malocclusion problems
• Prevents TMJ disorders

double jaw surgery before and after of a cancun dental desing n´s elder woman patient

Triple jaw surgery before and after of a cancun dental desing n´s young woman patient

Triple Jaw Surgery (Genioplasty)

Triple jaw surgery involves getting orthognathic, and chin or V-line surgeries. Genioplasty procedures are related to the esthetical aspects of orthognathic surgery. With chin and v-line surgeries, the maxillofacial surgeon can improve the harmony of your jaw restoration.

• Corrects the chin position and dimensions.
• Focused mainly on improving aesthetics
• Suitable only if needed for cosmetics
• Fixes problems caused by injuries

Jaw Surgery Reviews In Mexico

See what our patient says about her jaw surgery experience in Cancun Dental Design and all the benefits of having orthognathic surgery in Mexico

underbite surgery before and after pictures of a patient at cancun dental design

Underbite Surgery Before And After

Overbite surgery before and after pictures of a patient at cancun dental design

Overbite Surgery Before And After

Double jaw surgery before and after pictures of a patient at cancun dental design

Double Jaw Surgery Before And After

Orthognathic Surgery Before And After

See the incredible results our dental specialists and maxillofacial surgeons can achieve with jaw surgery at Cancun Dental Design. These are some of our recent success stories. Don’t hesitate to choose us so we can help you improve your oral condition.

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    When Is Orthognathic Surgery Necessary?

    Orthognathic surgery will be necessary if you have some kind of dentomaxillofacial deformities, maxillofacial asymmetry, or malocclusion problems caused by jaw misalignment. To know your maxillofacial condition, we use Angle´s classification. This classification determines the positions of the jaw and should not be confused with dental positioning or misalignment, which is solved exclusively with orthodontics.

    Angle´s Classification of Malocclusion:

    Open bite maloclussion for orthognathic surgery
    Open Bite:

    Refers to an occlusion issue where the upper and lower front teeth do not make contact when closing the mouth

    Overbite maloclussion for orthognathic surgery
    Overbite / Retrognathism:

    Classified as Class II, it presents when the maxilla (upper jaw) is in front of the lower jaw.

    Crossbite maloclussion for orthognathic surgery
    Facial Asymmetries:

    It presents when there are some notable differences between the left and right sides of the face.

    Underbite maloclussion for orthognathic surgery
    Underbite / Prognathism

    Classified as Class III, it presents when The mandible (lower jaw) is in front of the upper jaw.

    orthognathic surgery necessary

    “Can Orthognathic Surgery Change My Face?”

    Performing any jaw correction surgery will greatly improve all functional aspects of your maxillofacial structure and the aesthetics of your face as a whole. Your profile will benefit the most from the change caused by the surgery, as well as your bite and breathing capabilities.

    I Need a Teeth Reconstruction

    young patient at cancun dental design face change after her orthognathic surgery in mexico

    Smiling black woman who went through orthognathic surgery in Mexico at Cancun Dental Design

    What To Expect About An Orthognathic Surgery In Mexico?

    An Elevated Success Rate

    Orthognathic surgery has a high success rate thanks to the vast experience of our maxillofacial dentists. Over 500 patients have safely undergone this procedure at our Cancun dental clinic.

    Technology-Focused Dental Practice

    Thanks to digital dental planning and the use of 3D scanning technologies, we can recreate a digital model of your maxillofacial structure with 100% accuracy. This is how we can plan your whole jaw correction treatment and visualize the desired outcome.

    Safe Approach To Jaw Surgery

    When performing any kind of corrective jaw surgery, our dental specialists follow a minimally invasive protocol that helps both in your safety during the surgical process and the following recovery time. The whole procedure needs to be done at a hospital to provide you with proper sedation.

    Meet Cancun Dental Design´s Specialists

    The procedure will be in charge of Dr. Hugo Zamora and Dr. Fernanda Osorno, maxillofacial specialists, and will be supported by an anesthesiologist and dental assistants during the surgery. In addition, a team the orthodontists will work closely with the surgeons to plan and follow your corrective jaw surgery.

    the best dentist in cancun mexico

    Orthognathic Jaw Surgery Recovery

    The recovery time needed after any jaw surgery goes from 6 to 8 weeks, and it is widely recommended you take 2 to 3 weeks off your regular activities. You can take advantage of this recovery time to enjoy your dental vacation in Cancun.
    • You will wear a jaw bandage to avoid abrupt movements
    • For the first 3 weeks, you will be on a liquid diet
    • You won’t have your jaw wired shut
    • Swelling will diminish gradually
    • You should rest and hydrate regularly

    Orthognathic Surgery Diet

    Following a proper diet during your jaw surgery recovery is very important to not interfere with the healing process of your jawbones and for you to have an easygoing time. Your diet will change during the healing phases as mouth movement starts to get less difficult.
    • Clear Water Diet (First 3 days)
    • Liquid & Pureed Diet (blended foods with nutritional supplements)
    • Soft Diet (4 weeks after surgery)
    • Normal Diet (8 to 10 weeks after surgery)

    orthognathic jaw surgery recovery

    Frequently Asked Questions For Orthognathic Surgery

    What Is The Orthognathic Surgery Cost In Mexico?

    In Cancun, Mexico, the price for orthognathic surgery starts at 8, 0000 USD per arch, and 12,000 USD for double jaw surgery.

    Is Jaw Surgery Covered By Insurance In Mexico?

    How Long Does Jaw Surgery Take To Heal?

    How Long Does The Jaw Surgery Procedure Take?

    This procedure takes between 2 to 5 hours, depending on how complicated the case is. It is also necessary to perform

    Is Jaw Surgery Cosmetic?

    Does Jaw Surgery Hurt?

    Do You Have To Get Your Jaw Wired Shut After Jaw Surgery?