Orthodontics with Braces

Discover all the advantages that orthodontics with braces can offer you.

What are Brackets?

Braces are small metal pieces that are placed on the teeth to correct their position and align the bite. At Puig & Baldrich, we have orthodontic experts who use the most advanced braces to guarantee effective and long-lasting results .

What are Brackets for?

Braces allow you to transform a dysfunctional and unaesthetic mouth , caused by poorly aligned teeth, into a perfect mouth with optimal functionality. It is important to note that incorrect alignment of teeth not only affects aesthetics, but can also cause chewing, gastrointestinal, psycho-emotional problems, insecurity,…

In orthodontic treatment, braces play a fundamental role by allowing the gradual movement of teeth towards their ideal position. Thanks to the proper application of metal braces and an individualized approach, it is possible to achieve a healthy and aesthetically pleasing smile, thus improving quality of life.

Orthodontic Braces

Advantages of orthodontics with Braces

Orthodontics with braces offers precise correction of tooth position, resulting in significant improvement in tooth alignment and bite. Some of the most notable advantages of this treatment include:

Precise correction of tooth position

Braces allow orthodontists to apply controlled forces to gradually move teeth into the desired position. This ensures precise correction of problems such as crowding, malocclusions and other dental misalignments.

Improvement of chewing and aesthetic function

Orthodontics with braces not only improves the aesthetic appearance of the smile, but also contributes to more efficient chewing function. By properly aligning the teeth and jaw, it promotes better distribution of forces when chewing, which can prevent future problems.

Visible results in a reasonable time

Through the use of braces, patients can see visible improvements in dental alignment within a reasonable period of time. Although the duration of treatment may vary depending on the complexity of the case, the results are usually notable in a relatively short time.

Suitable treatment for a wide variety of problems

Braces are a versatile option that can address a wide range of dental problems, from simple misalignments to more complex cases. Whether to correct spaces between teeth, dental malpositions or bite problems, orthodontics with braces is an effective treatment.

Orthodontic Braces

Does wearing Braces bother a lot?

Braces, although they may cause initial discomfort, are not usually extremely uncomfortable thanks to advances in orthodontics that have made it possible to design more comfortable braces. At first, it is normal to feel slight pressure or discomfort after placement and during periodic check-ups, as this is part of the adjustment process necessary to achieve the expected tooth movements.

Most people do not consider the discomfort associated with braces to be a significant problem, as patients usually adapt quickly to their presence and the sensations they generate . It is essential to highlight that maintaining perfect oral hygiene is essential for those who wear braces, since meticulous cleaning of the teeth and brackets helps prevent problems such as plaque accumulation and cavities, thus ensuring successful treatment and optimal oral health. .

What problems can we treat with Brackets?

Braces are an effective tool for correcting a variety of dental problems. We highlight the following:


An overbite occurs when the upper teeth excessively cover the lower teeth when closing the mouth. This can cause abnormal tooth wear, temporomandibular joint problems, and chewing difficulties.


An open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not meet correctly when you close your mouth, leaving a space between them. This can lead to chewing difficulties, speech problems, and an undesirable cosmetic appearance.


In a crossbite, the upper teeth bite on the inside of the lower teeth as you close your mouth. This can cause uneven tooth wear, temporomandibular joint problems, and facial asymmetry.

Tooth crowding

Dental crowding refers to a lack of space in the mouth for teeth to grow properly, resulting in crooked or overlapping teeth. This not only affects dental aesthetics, but also makes proper oral hygiene difficult and increases the risk of cavities and periodontal disease.

Do you have any questions about orthodontics with braces?

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