At Nakeji Dental we offer the best Dental Implants in Tijuana at affordable prices. 

65% cheaper than in the United States.
Call us today for more information 

Dental implants in Tijuana, are titanium metal elements very similar to a screw, which through surgery is placed in the patient’s bone in order to replace one or more damaged or missing teeth. A dental implant is one of the best options available to a patient to recover a lost or damaged tooth. In the case of missing teeth, there is the possibility of placing multiple implants to rehabilitate the affected area and prevent further damage caused by the absence of teeth, such as bone loss and / or mobility of their intact pieces and further damage to them. Dental implants also provide an excellent opportunity for those patients tired of their dentures, since by placing 4 to 6 dental implants per arch, your dentures can be kept fixed in your mouth without the need of the annoying rubber bands and leaving your palate uncovered. 

At Nakeji Family Dental we are experts in Dental Implants in Tijuana, ranked among the best dentists in Mexico.  

    Types of dental implants:

    All on Four: The All on 4 Implants treatment in Tijuana is performed by placing 4 titanium implants which will support a fixed denture by means of screwed attachments, the treatment must be performed by an implantology specialist.

    All on Six: All on Six implants treatment in Tijuana creates a permanent prosthesis by using six or eight dental implants that act as an anchor for a cemented bridge prosthesis. Six or eight dental implants are placed in the upper or lower jaw to permanently anchor the teeth.

    Preparation for dental implant surgery.

    In preparation for dental implant surgery, an X-ray or CT scan is usually required so that the dentist can check the thickness of the bone and the position of the other structures in the mouth.

    These treatments are performed under local anesthesia. This type of anesthesia completely blocks pain in the mouth and the patient will remain awake throughout the procedure.

    Our experts at Nakeji Dental will explain what will happen before, during and just after surgery.

    What happens during surgery?

    Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the dentist will make a cut in the gum and make a small incision in the bone. The dental implant will be placed in this small cavity.

    Dental implants, both immediate and delayed, can be done in one or two stages.

    In single-stage dental implant treatment, the dental implant rod and the abutment that passes through the gums to connect the implant to the false tooth are placed at the same time.

    In two-stage dental implant treatment, the dental implant rod is buried under the gum while the bone heals (you won’t see it in your mouth). After a few months, you will have another minor surgery to place the abutment. Nakeji Dental, considered one of the best Dental Specialists in Tijuana, offers several options for smile design with dental implants.



    An All on 4 Implants treatment is performed by placing 4 titaniumdental implants which will support a fixed denture by means of screwed attachments, the treatment must be performed by an implantologist specialist. Once the implants are placed the dentures are usually made of different materials described below:
    Hybrid Prosthesis: it is a dental prosthesis made of acrylic with prefabricated resin teeth, usually with an internal structure of light metal to give greater support to the prosthesis.
    Metal-Porcelain Prosthesis: it is a prosthesis of high aesthetics since it consists of a ceramic metal structure, covered with several layers of ceramic that manages to give a feeling of chewing and aesthetics very similar to a natural denture.
    Zirconia prosthesis: it is a metal-free dental prosthesis, which provides great aesthetics and functionality, it is a last generation material that helps us to achieve very satisfactory results.

    Process for an All On Four

    All on four is a treatment that provides patients with a prosthesis attached to the full arch, either upper, lower or both, even on the same day of surgery. It is an economical treatment because the procedure requires fewer implants compared to the traditional method. The All on four as the name explains, uses four dental implants for a complete rehabilitation, two of the dental implants are placed straight in the anterior part, while the remaining two are placed up to 45º in the back of the jaw.  

    In this procedure, dental implants are specially designed to achieve the desired results.

    In the All on Four technique it has an immediate function, which means that, at the same time as the surgery, it will provide results.

    At Nakeji Dental, we provide all the commitment to ensure the success of the treatment and therefore, meet the needs of our patients, so a personalised study is made with the corresponding tests, both radiological, photographs and models to start with the treatment plan. Once the patient’s case has been studied, the work is planned with our dental laboratory and a date is set for the procedure.

    The process in our clinic begins with the surgical procedure. If required by the patient, the procedure can be performed under conscious dental sedation or the patient can be brought to a state of deep relaxation.  

    Who can opt for an All on Four technique?

    With this type of treatment, missing teeth are restored effectively, quickly and reliably. The main objective is to replace all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, trying to use as few dental implants as possible.

    Although this treatment is more focused on older adults who cannot enjoy their smile, it can be applied to younger people who need to opt for this technique.


    • It allows the complete rehabilitation of arches and its function is immediate.
    • It reduces time, as the prosthesis and dental implants are placed on the same day.
    • It is a quick and efficient process.
    • It is a cost-effective dental treatment.
    • Rapidly recovers functions such as speech, chewing and self-esteem.



    An All on 6 Implants treatment is performed by placing 6 titanium dental implants which will support a fixed denture by means of screwed attachments, the treatment must be performed by an implantologist specialist and is usually the best option for oral rehabilitation as it provides great support and gives the patient a great chewing experience.
    This treatment can be rehabilitated with the following options.
    Hybrid Prosthesis: Acrylic prosthesis with prefabricated resin teeth, usually with an internal structure of light metal to give greater support to the prosthesis.
    Metal-Porcelain Prosthesis: prosthesis of high aesthetics as it consists of a metal-ceramic structure, covered with several layers of ceramic that manages to give a chewing sensation.
    Zirconia prosthesis: it is a metal-free dental prosthesis, which provides great aesthetics and functionality. It is a state-of-the-art material that helps us to achieve excellent results.

    Who is All on Six recommended for?

    All on six is recommended for patients who have a full arch of missing teeth or plan to have remaining teeth extracted and replaced with dental implants. This treatment will offer a stable, long-term option to traditional dentures. At Nakeji Dental, our specialists will evaluate your bone architecture and recommend the most suitable option.

    The All on Six technique is also ideal for all patients who want stability and security for their dental implants.

    They are designed of ceramic and zirconium materials and are biocompatible with the soft tissues of the mouth and facilitate cleaning and maintenance without major complications.

    These materials allow permanent cementation without having to remove them in the future. The treatment is performed under sedation by one of our specialists.