Los Algodones Mexico Dentist

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Los Algodones Mexico Dentist – Free Shuttle from Phoenix for Dental Work


    3 years agoDentistry in Mexico is of high quality comparable to first world countries. Here future dentists have very rigorous studies at the university, to practice they must have the professional title of Bachelor of Dentistry, they must have a Professional Certificate issued by the SEP, have a specialty, or a master’s degree. As there is healthy competition, the services are accessible to all Mexican citizens, even cheaper than in the United States of America, from where US citizens, mostly middle class, come to perform dental procedures in Los Algodones, Mexico. Although the quality varies, even dental students perform dental extractions, dental inlays, mouth cleanings, among other procedures “free” for people who cannot pay for it. I feel lucky to have been born in Mexico 🇲🇽 Greetings from Minatitlán, Veracruz.Read more



    2 years agoI’m going in 4 weeks to get full mouth restoration implants. I have a quote from a US Dentist for almost $60k and a quote from a highly reputable Dentist in Los Algodones is $15k. I will update the review when I get back. Wish me luck


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    10 months agoYes. Thanks to the dual citizen owned media here in the U.S., all you hear are contrived horror stories re: Banditos bad food bad water bad, blah blah blah… Fortunately since 9/11 people are waking up to the lies/propaganda. My own experience is similar to what’s been stated in your video. I was quoted over 25k for work here in phoenix as opposed to 14k in Algodones. The clinic was extremely clean, the dental staff was very professional and as an example, because of my claustrophobia, I stopped going to the dentist decades ago. The clinic I went to was so patient, so kind, my procedure began with SEVENTEEN extractions in one sitting and I wasn’t bothered with panic attacks etc. I was very impressed! I’m actually looking into moving to Mexico.Read more



    1 year agoLoved the dental work I got there! Thank goodness, too expensive in States. Town is awesome! I stay at hotel next to my dentist. Was great, restaurant was great! All next door Sani Dental give 2 year warranty!



    6 years ago (edited)American dentist are panicked about lost business.I’ve had little things go wrong over the years from my American and Mexican Dentist. I never called a lawyer because the problem was always remedied. No big deal. Overall , my Mexican Dentist provides better looking results and care for significantly less money. The global economy has to work for every one or no one. (Plus , the street tacos are out of this world )!


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    6 years agoUS dentists are just too bloody expensive. It’s crazy what they charge. It used to not be that way. Back in the 70’s and 80’s dental prices were reasonable. Not any more. For example, in the US, the price for a nice set of quality porcelain dentures is north of $5,000. In “Algodonuts” the same exact dentures are $1,000 – $1,500. To top it off, Mexicans are nice people. They treat you with respect.Read more



    6 years agoI went to a dentist in the USA for a smile make over and it was a nightmare. I found an amazing dentist in Baja. So professional and he did a grate job. So long Dentist in California.



    1 year agoI lived in Yuma and we always went to algadones to get my dental work done



    6 years agoMy mother had horrifying dental work done right here in America… and it cost her a fortune. What is worse than that, the guy who did it would not fix it or give any money back to her. He insisted that his work was done right and the problem was psychological.


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    6 years agoIf you do research and find a good dentist it is a blessing. I can’t afford to go to the dentist in the US. In addition I had a root canal done by. Dr. Robert Needle (no joke)in Manhattan,NYC, and I wound up in the emergency room with an acute infection, in addition I had a procedure done from a dentist in Hawaii and he broke the root and I will lose the tooth. Both cost a fortune. I did not receive any refunds.


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    5 years agoFinally a place that wants to help people rather than gouge them for all they can get.



    5 years agoSo Americans think that Mexicans do not go to the dentist or what ? I am Mexican and I have my dentist here in Mexico, my teeth are perfect, to think that Mexican dentists would use a machete is so ignorant and that it makes me sick


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    6 years agoNo true. I have never received a refund for any medical procedure, even when a law suit for malpractice was an easy win. My fault I didn’t sue. In America we pay doctors over and over to do the same procedure, with mistake after mistake, with no reprocuctions.



    3 years agoPeople want to take care of their teeth, have a healthy mouth, but American dentists are now into cosmetic dentistry and are classified and priced like plastic surgeons. Dental care is now a luxury millions cannot afford. So they go without. Or go to Mexico.



    7 years agoMany people need the service but don’t have the money to pay the high-cost dental rates in America.


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    8 months agoI will have my passport in six weeks. I am also “chomping at the bits” for affordable dental care. I have about 30K worth of work to get done and if I can get it done for under 10K and have teeth again, I will be happy. I am in the process of figuring out the logistics now. I think at some point, a dental clinic down there will buy a hotel and put the dental clinic in the hotel. I have no other reason to go to Los Algodones except for dental work. There is nothing else there I want.



    3 years agoYou wish your water was as pure as our Mexico!!!



    2 years agoWhat Dr. Calwell said about malpractice cases is a fallacy. In the US, insurance companies have made malpractice claims so expensive for plaintiffs that most cases never get see the light in court. The vast majority of cases are turned down. Put simply, a patient must have provable castistropic injuries to even be considered by personal injury law firms. Why? A typical malpractice case can easily cost the plaintiff’s law firm $100,000 to prosecute. Insurance companies adopted this as a strategy and it’s working. In addition, jury’s favor healthcare professionals; it’s where we all go when we need help, which is understandable.Read more



    4 years agoWhy do gringos think Mexicans are still stuck in the 1910’s? Like no honey we are very much like America. Even in my families small town (that was founded in the 1500’s) they have more than 100 dentist offices.


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    4 years agoI went to a Canadian doctor in the north he pulled a tooth…. the root went into the sinus lining…. he didn’t tell me and he pulled it out and it got infected…. three sets of antibiotics and I had to go to a specialist…. The specialist said who was the butcher…. and my voice has never recovered I am a singer….. so I think it’s a load of crap if you think dentist in North America deserve to be paid three times as much….. and are better qualified…. I think you have to be a racist to think different….



    3 years ago (edited)6:47 A refund?!! What a bunch of BS. He knows full well most will not be able to afford or secure an attorney to represent them in the malpractice suit. I have personally known far too many that were screwed by their dentists and found no legal recourse. I am one of them. A dentist in pennsylvania destroyed my teeth. I refuse to pay one of his dental peers to fix what he destroyed so they can BOTH laugh all the way to the bank. I am going to take my chances in Mexico at my first opportunity.



    1 year agoAs with any medical/dental procedure, it’s up to you to really do your research. You shouldn’t just blindly be picking a doctor or dentist without verifying their credentials, reading reviews, researching the facilities themselves, etc. The truth is the US charges way too much if you need more than a simple cleaning. I had a dentist hand me a potential bill that would cost more than the price of a new car. I was in shock. I asked her point blank, who had that type of money lying around and left to find other solutions in Mexico.


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    9 months agoDentist in the US offer scary care for outrageous prices. Normal working class can’t afford.



    6 years agoHello, I LOVE MY DENTIST ! [ not in a carnal way, of course ]. I am 74 years old. have all my teeth, including 16 Crowns, 8 root canals and 1 Titanium implant… Why ‘Hell Yes’ I know my way around a Dental Chair. Dr. Bryan Brown of Alcodones removed and replaced a broken Front Tooth Cap (Crown). But wait, it only gets better. 1. I did not feel the injection of Novocain, or similar. Although I was ready for it, leaving my sweaty palm and finger prints forever indelibly on the chair arm rests. 2. My front top gum did not even bleed. 3. I took Dr. Bryan Brown’s advice and went to the close by Casino and drank a Tanguary Martini. Now don’t piss me off, about Alcogdoness Dentists, or I just might bite the head off of a nail and spit it in your eye. I love my Dentist, Dr. Bryan Brown of Alcodones. Sincerely, Terry M. Moore, Sr.Read more


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    1 year agoThe US Dentist of course is going to bad mouth any place other than the USA. The reality is there are 192 nations on earth and great dentists exist in most of them. It’s a trade one must learn like any other trade. Some are experts with long experience and numerous certifications, others are starting out. US dentists make mistakes too. The US Dentist’s primary argument was not that there are no good Mexican dentists, it was you don’t know which one. Well, the exact same problem exists in the USA. I have had great dentists and really lousy burned-out unprofessional ones. The only thing we have to go on is consumer reviews and we all know many of those can be fake or paid for. The larger, higher reviewed dentists are of course spending a lot more of advertising to get you to their websites. I look at this like buying something on e-Bay or Amazon. If a seller has ten five-star reviews it is meaningless, another can have 10,000 4-star reviews, and another 500 with a 4.8. I am going with the third choice as it has a sufficient number and a high but not perfect average. Nobody is 100% perfect every time, there will always be someone with some complaint no matter how insignificant it is. I would say for simple extractions, fillings, single root canals and crowns, the risk is low and the savings high to go to Mexico. The tougher question is when one needs extensive reconstruction, or entire mouth replaced. Mistakes in those situations can be hell as we can’t just drive back for help. Then, our homeland dentist will see dollar signs and have no remorse for us. We tried to go around them to save money, so now it’s payback time. Spend a week or two reading reviews, watching videos, looking at websites and Facebook pages. Join expat forums and Mexican dental forums and ask for advice. Keep a list of all recommendations and narrow down your choices based on facts, not price.Read more



    1 year agoI am going to Mexico to have the dental work fixed that was done here in America.



    6 months agoUS wanted $200 just for the consultation to talk and do some nonsense that has nothing to do with what you need. Consultation and x-rays are FREE in Mexico.



    7 years agoAmerican dentists screw too and overcharge you for it.


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    6 years agoThe old woman who does not name the clinic in mexico smiles before she says she’s angry. in body language the smile is the give away that she’s about to deceive. probably the American dentists mother. those could be anyone’s x-rays. it’s a dentists office.