Invisible Orthodontics

New aligners with invisible splints. Your orthodontics without braces!

What are aligners with invisible splints?

Invisible aligners are an orthodontic treatment option that consists of a series of transparent, flexible splints designed to gradually correct the position of your teeth. These splints, tailored for each patient, are changed approximately every so often, allowing progressive movement of the teeth towards the desired position.

What are aligners with invisible splints for?

Invisible aligners are clear, customized splints that are designed to move teeth and improve the smile of patients with mild to moderate dental problems, such as gapped or crowded teeth.

Its main function is to align the teeth in an aesthetic and functional way, allowing effective correction without the need to use traditional visible braces.

Invisible Orthodontics

Advantages of aligners with invisible splints

Invisible orthodontics provides precise correction of the position of the teeth, leading to a noticeable improvement in dental alignment and bite. Among the most notable advantages of this treatment are:


The aligners are virtually invisible, allowing patients to carry out their treatment without worrying about their appearance. This feature makes them aesthetically attractive and comfortable to use.


As they are removable, they facilitate oral hygiene by allowing more effective cleaning of the teeth and the aligners themselves. In addition, since they can be removed to eat, there are no dietary restrictions during treatment, which improves the patient’s experience.


Aligners are designed to apply controlled pressure to your teeth, allowing for precise and predictable tooth movements. This feature contributes to an effective correction of dental position, guaranteeing optimal results.

Reduced treatment time

In many cases, treatment with aligners can be faster than with traditional braces. Most patients achieve their desired results within 12 to 18 months, compared to the 24 to 36 months that traditional orthodontics can take.

Invisible Orthodontics

Tips to keep in mind in invisible orthodontics

Constant use

It is crucial to wear invisible aligners for at least 22 hours a day to ensure their effectiveness.

Oral hygiene

Maintaining adequate oral hygiene is essential.

Aligner Care

It is important to keep your aligners clean and dry. It is advisable to carry the case with you to protect them and avoid damage

Regular change

Invisible aligners should be changed from time to time so that the teeth gradually move towards the desired position.

What is the treatment with aligners like?

Treatment with invisible dental aligners is an innovative and comfortable process for patients, which is made up of the following stages:

1. First visit and prior study

Before starting treatment, a consultation with the specialist is carried out to evaluate the patient and determine the appropriate type of orthodontics. Tests and measurements are carried out to manufacture the transparent splints.

2. Delivery of the aligners

When the first aligners are delivered, the patient is instructed on their care and necessary hygiene routines. These aligners are removable and should be changed approximately every 15 days, according to the dentist’s instructions.

3. Placement of attachments

In some cases, small composite beads called attachments may be placed over the teeth to exert additional force. Not all patients need attachments, as it depends on the specific case.

4. Treatment monitoring

During treatment, periodic evaluations are carried out to verify if the initially established objectives are being achieved. If necessary, more splints can be ordered for additional adjustments.

Do you have any questions about invisible orthodontics?

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