Immediate dental implant after extraction

We place your dental implant on the same day.

Dental implants in one day, is it possible?

Immediate dental implant after extraction has become an increasingly popular option for replacing a missing tooth.

This technique allows the placement of a dental implant at the same appointment as the tooth extraction, which offers notable advantages.

However, it is also important to consider that it is not always possible due to bone conditions.

Immediate dental implant after extraction

Advantages of immediate implant after extraction


Reduced treatment time

One of the main benefits of immediate dental implant is that it shortens the total treatment time.

By combining tooth extraction with immediate implant placement in a single procedure, the need to wait for the extraction site to heal before proceeding with the implant is eliminated. This means that the patient can have a permanent tooth in less time.


Alveolar bone preservation

Immediate placement of the implant at the extraction site helps preserve alveolar bone that would normally be lost after tooth extraction.

By maintaining alveolar bone, you minimize the need for additional bone regeneration procedures before implantation, which can simplify the process and reduce costs.


Improved aesthetics and self-confidence

With immediate dental implants, the patient can receive a temporary prosthesis immediately after surgery. This means there is no waiting for a healing period before getting a temporary tooth or crown. The result is an immediate improvement in aesthetics and greater self-confidence for the patient.


Less surgical invasion

By combining tooth extraction with implant placement in the same appointment, the number of surgical interventions is reduced. This can result in a more comfortable experience for the patient, with less pain and recovery time. You are only anesthetized once, on the day of the intervention.


Same day fixed prosthesis

This immediate post-extraction dental implant technique allows the patient to receive a fixed dental prosthesis on the same day of surgery in some cases; With which the patient enters the office with his tooth to extract, and leaves with the implant and its crown placed in a few hours.

We reduce the time it takes to place your dental implant!

Dental implants after extraction are a much faster and more comfortable treatment for the patient.

At Our Dental Clinic, we offer immediate dental implant treatment after extraction to patients who want to replace a lost tooth.

Who can have immediate dental implants after extraction?

Not all patients are ideal candidates for immediate dental implants after extraction.

If the alveolar bone is not dense enough or does not provide adequate stability for the implant, it may be necessary to perform a bone regeneration procedure before placing the implant. This can add additional time and costs to treatment.

Therefore, it is important for the dental surgeon to carefully evaluate the patient before performing an immediate dental implant.

What should be taken into account after having implants placed in one day?

Do you have doubts about immediate implants after extraction?

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