Getting Dental Work Done in Mexico

Dental Tourism Tips:

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Dental Tourism Tips: During my 3 months in Mexico, it occurred to me that I could get my Veneers replaced. It was something I had on my mind and planning for awhile, but never committed. Well I finally did! Throughout the video I discuss my reasonings, the research I did, how I picked my dentist, and document the process of getting veneers in Mexico. Dental Tourism is big in Mexico, especially for other North Americans, but if you are considering going to Mexico to get dental work, I highly encourage you to research your options. And you should consult with your dentist ahead of time on what procedure would be best for your situation.


    3 years agoLooks great, Tayler. I’ve had dental work done in Tijuana and in San Salvador. The experience in El Salvador was great. The one in TJ was mixed. But I’ve had similar experiences with dentists in the US. You never know what you’ll get. My dad has also walked across the border into Mexico for dental cleanings. His whole neighborhood drives down together occasionally for it. He says the whole small town is dedicated to medical and dental tourism. I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. Dental costs are ridiculous in the US now.



    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    2 years agoThank you so much for this! I’m getting ready to get some major work done there. What office did you go with? I’m super nervousReply

    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    3 years agoNice room ! 🙂


    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    2 months agoThanks for answering about the cost in the comment section as it wasn’t in the video. lol. Do you remember what’s the US quote for 4 veneers?Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    2 years agoI hope this isn’t personal. 1. Did you replace top row with dental implants? 2. How much did everything cost? Thank you!Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    2 replies


    2 years agoMaybe I missed it, but can you disclose how much “generally” per tooth?Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    1 year agoWas it expensive to stay have to stay there for 3wks?Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    2 years agoWhere in Mexico is Dental House?Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    2 years agoHi what is the dental group on Facebook?Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    1 reply


    2 years agoHi! How did you go about carrying thousands in cash while traveling?Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    3 replies


    3 years agoSorry, I am sure this is great information, but if I hear Dentist, I am out the door and running down the street.Reply

    Traveling Tayler


    2 replies


    2 years agoYour background music is annoying.


    Traveling Tayler