Our commitment is to work passionately to satisfy your needs, with innovative services and the highest quality products.

We are continuously improving our processes and have the best professionals, suppliers and technological tools to guarantee you unbeatable results.

We are a group of professionals passionate about what we do best: Create Smiles!


To improve people’s self-esteem and quality of life by providing them with all the dental care and aesthetic services of the highest quality. We provide these services in a welcoming environment with the most reliable and innovative standards so they can be the best version of themselves.

Our Vision

To become the most recognized company in the dental care sector because of our high quality products, our innovative services and the excellent results of our treatments.


We have several options of orthodontic treatments, from standard to aesthetic brackets. We work with the best materials to ensure the success of your treatment.

Smile Design

This treatment gives shape, size and color to the teeth, leaving you with a white and perfect smile for life, it is the most advanced dental aesthetic treatment there is.

Aesthetic Resins

With our resins we will completely restore all your teeth, in the most aesthetic way possible, you won’t even notice where they are.

Dental Prosthesis

We work with the best prosthodontists in Guadalajara and with the newest materials on the market, we are always at the forefront of our work.

Dental Cleaning

We are dedicated to return the state of hygiene that your mouth should be in. For this, we have the most advanced equipment to offer you a comfortable and painless experience.

Smile Whitening

We will give your teeth the white color you always wanted and best of all, with no posterior complications.

Extractions and Surgeries

We are qualified to perform dental extractions of any kind where you will not feel the slightest discomfort.


If you suffer from infections or severe pain in the dental nerve we can help you put an end to these discomforts and restore the integrity of your teeth.


Minimally invasive surgery performed on the gum to give it the correct shape so that your teeth look at a normal size.

And much more…

We provide a wide range of dental treatments, all of them are performed by the best professionals in order to guarantee you are receiving the best care.

Meet our new monthly dental care plans, forget about missing your preventive treatments or unexpected expenses due to an inconvenience, we have the perfect plan for you and your family’s needs. 

Digital  Smile Design
Sonrisa nueva, vida nueva / new smile, new life 😯😱😱😁😁😁

At present, no other premium cosmetic dental treatment improves your smile in such a radical and long lasting way. In just 3 sessions, your teeth are shaped, sized and colored, leaving you with a perfect white smile for life. It is the most advanced cosmetic dental treatment available.
What is a Digital Smile Design?
A smile design is an oral aesthetic procedure that is performed by placing veneers in a highly resistant state-of-the-art ceramic material (eMax).

These veneers are designed by Dr. Ernesto Silva Damian, our specialist in dental aesthetics, in a personalized way for each case, through a digital dentofacial aesthetic study, better known as DSD (Digital Smile Design), which consists of an exhaustive analysis of the face, teeth, gums and lips, that allows us to evaluate each patient individually in order to deliver results that are in accordance with their anatomy.

You only need 3 sessions

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    Dentofacial Study

    A digital dentofacial aesthetic study is performed to establish the deficiencies of the smile, determining the correct shape, color and size of the teeth, always maintaining the natural balance.




    Minimally invasive preparation of the tooth (2 microns), polishing the surface of the tooth to create the necessary space for the material and taking impressions of the teeth to subsequently make the veneers.



    Veneers Placement

    Placement and cementation of the veneers on the teeth, this is done with the best quality material available on the market, thus ensuring the long-term success of the treatment.




    • They work as a PERMANENT whitening, veneers NEVER change color, no matter your habits, they will always remain white and bright, which makes them a long-term investment.

    • A perfect smile shape is achieved, always maintaining the naturalness of a beautiful set of teeth.

    • An important effect of REJUVENATION of the smile and face is achieved, because dental wear is eliminated and the tooth is returned to its perfect shape and size.


    • Personalized, painless, fast and safe.
    • Achievable for any patient regardless of sex and age.


    • In cases where there is excessive tooth wear it restores mastication and the pleasure of being able to eat any type of food.



    • They increase security and confidence in the patient, radically improving social, work and even sentimental life.


      “In this life there are not many things more important than a healthy, natural, confident and beautiful smile”.

      Dr. Ernesto Silva
      Photo Gallery
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        Meet the team

        Dr. Ernesto Silva

        Aesthetic Dentistry and Prosthodontics

        Dr. Daniel Silva

        General Dentistry

        Karen García


        Learn more about Smile Design
        and you too wear the perfect smile
        Diseño de sonrisa de 16 unidades en porc
        Un caso muy demandante, bastante complic


        Our Address

        Av. Tepeyac #4473

        Col. Prados Tepeyac

        C.P. 45050 Zapopan, Jalisco


        Monday– Friday  10:00 am – 02:00 pm

                                       04:00 pm – 08:00 pm

        Saturdays and Sundays only with appointment

        Send us a message!