Dental Veneers

The best kept secret of celebrities

Dental veneers: the secret has been revealed

Dental veneers are ceramic or porcelain sheets that are placed on the front of the teeth to make them look whiter and more aligned. You could say that they work like false nails, since they stick to the surface of the tooth so that the dental aesthetics are much brighter and more shiny.

What are dental veneers used for?

Perfect smile

Dental veneers restore the aesthetic surface of the tooth without requiring dental carving, so the original tooth is not affected at any time. They give better aesthetics to our teeth, giving them a much whiter and more radiant appearance and solving some alignment problems.

Naturalness and resistance

Dental veneers are a purely aesthetic material that makes the patient feel much more comfortable with their teeth and smile, so the treatment is not related to any type of dental pathology.

What are dental veneers used for?

Types of dental veneers

There are three types of materials with which dental veneers can be made. All three result in a better smile and whiter teeth, but their final properties differentiate them from each other. That is why it will be your dentist who must decide which type of dental veneer is appropriate for your teeth:

Types of dental veneers

Composite veneers

They stand out for their speed and ease of placement, since they do not require tooth cutting, but they are not the best in terms of quality and brilliance.


Porcelain veneers

They are more resistant and durable than composite ones, and show a truly brilliant final result. Despite this, they are somewhat more expensive than composite veneers.


Lumineers Veneers

The most complete dental veneers. Resistant and brilliant as could be, although, obviously, with a somewhat higher price. With them you will get a smile worthy of the circumstances.

Perfect smile in no time

One of the great advantages of dental veneers is that their placement is really simple and done very quickly. It is performed in approximately two sessions for those made of composite, and in three for porcelain veneers, since these must be made in a laboratory outside the clinic. So, with about 3 sessions we will have our veneers placed perfectly and our teeth will look in the best possible way.

Dental veneers step by step

Can you imagine being able to show off a beautiful, white and radiant smile in just one week?

Dental veneers step by step

Dental and facial analysis

It is important to know what the shape of your mouth is like before placing the plates on your teeth. Thus, we will design the ideal smile so that you can look better than ever.

Dental veneers step by step

Study models

Depending on the type of veneer we place, the tooth must be prepared by carving it. Appropriate measures will be taken so that the process is carried out in the best possible way.

Dental veneers step by step

Mock up

The wax-up will be printed (mock-up) so that the veneers can be placed on the teeth. Up to this point, changes can still be made if the results are not completely satisfactory to the patient.

Dental veneers step by step


The pieces are placed on the teeth with a resinous cement. Thus, they will remain fixed and you can enjoy a normal life with a much brighter smile.

Do you have any questions about dental veneers?

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