Dental Prices Mexico

Dental Treatments Cost in Mexico 2024

Cancun Dental Specialists Official Prices List in Mexico, Cancun Dentist Prices. Contact us for an exact quote prior to your Dental Vacation. This is our official Dental Prices Mexico list for 2024. Keep in mind the Dental Prices in Mexico might be less but the quality is the same. We use high-quality Zirconia and the best Dental Implants like Nobel Biocare, Straumann, AB Dental Implants.

Dental Implants

Cosmetic Dentistry



Laser Dentistry

General Dentistry


Holistic Dentistry


Cost of Dental Implants in Mexico

Procedure Prices are the same for everyone, there might be small price variations for different cases, depending on extractions, bone loss, infections, medical history, restoration options.

The best way to get Accurate Pricing for Dental Implants is to contact one of our Patient Facilitators, they can give you an accurate estimate prior to your dental vacations with us.

Dental Implants
Dental ProcedureCost
Single Dental Implant$900 USD per implant
Zirconia Dental Implants$1,950 USD per implant
Mini Dental Implants$450 USD per implant
Bicon Short Dental Implants$1,200 USD per implant
Zygomatic Implants$2,500 USD per implant
All on 4from $5,400 USD per arch
Fixed Hybrid Dentures$5,400 USD per arch
Prettau Bridge$6,400 USD per arch
Snap on Dentures 4 Titanium Implants$4,180 USD Surgical Phase (per arch)
Snap on Dentures 4 Titanium Implants$2,580 USD Restorative Phase (per arch)
Snap on Dentures 6 Mini Implants$4,200 USD (per arch)
Implant Supported Bridge$450 USD per unit bridge (not include implants)
Sinus Lift$1,500 USD
Bone Graft$350 USD per CC

    Dental Veneers

    If you are looking to correct issues with chipping, discoloration, or slightly misaligned teeth then Dental Veneers are a great choice for you. Veneers are done at our clinic using E-Max porcelain which is the strongest and most aesthetic porcelain on the market.

    veneers cost in mexico
    crowns cost in mexico

    Dental Crowns

    Dental Crowns are done by a Restorative Specialist and involve shaving a small amount of the enamel surface from the tooth in order to get proper retention for the Crown. Dental Crowns are a great solution for patients who suffer from cracked, chipped, misaligned, or stained teeth.

    Cosmetic Dentistry
    Dental ProcedureCostView More
    Full Smile MakeoverCustom price
    Full Mouth ReconstructionCustom price
    E-Max Porcelain Crown$450 USD per crown
    Zirconia Crown$450 USD per crown
    Composite Veneers$250 USD per restoration
    E.Max Porcelain Veneers$450 USD per restoration
    Zirconia Veneers$450 USD per restoration
    Lumineers Thin Veneers$450 USD per restoration
    Inlays / Onlays$450 USD per restoration
    Teeth Bonding$250 USD per restoration


      An Apicoectomy is the Surgical Removal of the infected tissue caused by the filtration of bacteria into the pulp chamber. During an Apicoectomy the Surgeon will make an incision into the bone right at the apex of the tooth.

      Root Canal

      A Root Canal Therapy is needed when the pulp of your tooth becomes infected. This involves removing the infected pulp from your tooth to prevent further problems such as abscesses and bone loss.

      root canals cost in mexico
      Dental ProcedureCostView More
      Root Canal Therapy$350 USD
      Root Canal Retreatment$400 USD
      Post & Core Build up$150 USD
      Apicoectomy$350 USD
      Pulpectomy$200 USD


      Dental ProcedureCost
      Simple Extraction$60 USD
      Complicated Extraction$150 USD
      Surgical Extraction$200 USD
      3rd Molar Extraction$300 USD

        Cavity Removal

        Your mouth is filled with bacteria that produce acid. These acids, when not taken care of by brushing, flossing, and rinsing, can lead to tooth decay. This is the process where the bacteria eats away at minerals of the tooth causing toothaches, bad breath, and erosion.

        Gingivectomy and Gum Contouring

        Perhaps you have what is known as a “Gummy Smile” or a smile line that is uneven due to excess gingiva. Most practitioners use the traditional approach to the Gum Contouring procedure, using a scalpel which can cause discomfort, bleeding, and uncomfortable healing time.

        Laser Dentistry
        Dental ProcedureCostView More
        Tori Removal$500 USD per arch
        Cavity Removal$70-130 USD
        Gum Contouring$150-250 USD
        Gingivectomy$250 USD

        Teeth Whitening

        A Teeth Whitening normally lasts about 3-6 months when all the aftercare instructions are followed. The procedure is done by a General Dentist applying a gel to the tooth, which is then activated with an ultraviolet laser making the teeth brighter in shade.

        Composite Resin Fillings

        Composite Resins, or tooth-colored fillings, provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small- to mid-size fillings that need to withstand moderate pressure from the constant stress of chewing. They can be used on either front or back teeth.

        General Dentistry
        Dental ProcedureCostView More
        Zoom Whitening$250 USD per Session
        Laser Whitening$150 USD per Session
        Composite Resin Fillings$70-130 USD
        General Cleaning$80 USD
        Deep Cleaning$100 USD

          Periodontal Cleaning

          This is a common form of treating Periodontal Disease. Scaling and Root Planning is the removal of calculus (Tartar) and plaque from the surface of teeth and roots. Plaque is a sticky film made up of bacteria that sticks to your teeth.

          Gum Graft

          Gum Graft commonly known as Soft Tissue Graft is a frequent procedure we provide to patients at Cancun Dental Specialists. Gum Grafts are needed when your gums have retracted from your tooth exposing the root.

          Dental ProcedureCostView More
          Cleaning$80 USD
          Scaling and Root Planing$250 USD (per Quadrant)
          Gum Grafting$600 USD (per tooth)

          Zirconia Dental Implants

          Zirconia Implants are the choice of Implants for patients seeking a Holistic approach to Implant placement, for patients with allergies to Titanium, or for patients who are planning to place Implants in the aesthetic zone of the upper jaw.

          Amalgam Filling Removal

          The Recommendation for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) by the IAOMT is followed at our Dental Practice in Mexico. Amalgam Removal can cause a threat to yourself as well as keeping the amalgams in your mouth.

          amalgam filling removal cost in mexico
          Holistic Dentistry
          Dental ProcedureCostView More
          Zirconia Dental Implants$1,950 USD
          Amalgam Filling Removal$60 USD

          Invisalign Braces

          We are a certified and licensed Invisalign provider. The most obvious advantage of Invisalign orthodontic treatment is cosmetic. The aligners are transparent, therefore much more difficult to notice than traditional wire braces.

          Orthodontic Braces

          Dental Braces are devices used to align, straighten and correctly position teeth by exerting steady pressure over a period of time, usually one to three years. Braces typically consist of brackets (bonded to the teeth), bands, and wires.

          Dental ProcedureCostView More
          Invisalign Braces$4,500 USD
          Damon Self Ligating Braces$1,800 USD (Upper & Lower)
          Braces$1,000 USD (Upper & Lower)
          Ceramic Braces$1,500 USD (Upper & Lower)