Dental Rehabilitation

We handle all forms of restoration by means of a metal-free crown and bridge with the security and guarantee of satisfaction and duration.

All ceramic crowns can be made of different materials (no metal). They create a natural look and are usually used on the front teeth.

High Quality Dental Service. The first to be certified by quality consultants (Quality Assurance) in the United States and contracted exclusively by ten prepaid Dental insurance companies (HMO Health Maintenance Organization)

70% of our patients come from the United StatesThe permanent preparation of all of us, doctors and staff in general, is decisive in providing excellent service.

Dental Service / Dental Rehabilitation

Tijuana Dental Clinic

Dental Rehabilitation

Bruxism: Worn teethWhen this occurs on a regular basis, teeth can become damaged and occlusion complications arise. This can lead to fracture, loosening or loss of teeth. Grinding teeth; It can also affect your jaws, cause HEARING LOSS, cause or worsen TMD/TMJ problem, and even change the APPEARANCE OF YOUR FACE.

At Clinica Dental Tijuana, we can treat you from a nighttime mouthguard prescription to complete dental rehabilitation with a Tijuana dentist.

Full mouth rehabilitation

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