Dental Implants Punta Cana Dominican Republic

Same Day Dental One Piece Implants
How It Works

One-Piece Dental Implants technology has become the state-of-the-art tooth replacement solution. It was designed to replace the structural weakness issues that were part of the two-piece implant solution.

We are the only dental office in Punta Cana with a private digital dental laboratory so we can provide you with everything you need to get a perfect smile in one single visit.

Single piece implants are the best dental implant system for replacement of teeth.

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Dental Implants Done Right
Graphenano Made

Graphene Crowns made in 24 hours or less

Single Piece Implants

Made in Switzerland

10 Year Warranty
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    One Piece Implants
    One Piece vs Two Piece Implants

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    One Piece vs Two Piece Implants





    The implant and the abutment are fused – they are manufactured as one piece.

    The implant and the abutment are separate. The abutment is either cemented or cold welded. If the abutment is secured with a screw onto the implant, then it can be considered to be three pieces.

    Basic Design

    Simple. No joint. Single piece.

    Complex. Two parts joint by screw.

    Implant placement procedure

    Single sitting surgical procedure and very often flapless (no open surgical procedures are necessary). Implant procedures are less time consuming than that required for bridgework.

    Very often more complex surgical procedures are necessary, spread over 2 or 3 sittings in a period of 3-6 months (Implant placement, Healing Screw placement & Abutment Placement).


    Immediate Loading – the patient can be given the crown(s) / bridge(s) the very next day.

    Delayed Loading – very often a waiting period of minimum of 3 months is necessary before loading the implants with prosthesis.

    Prosthodontic procedure

    Conventional impressions of the implants can be made just as is the case with conventional bridgework. Less time consuming.

    Conventional impressions of the implants can be made just as is the case with conventional bridgework. Less time consuming.

    Size and Design

    A wide range of sizes and designs are available suiting various bone types and measurements. The designs even help avoid bone augmentation and sinus lifts.

    Limited sizes and designs are available thereby limiting their application.


    These work out a lot more cost effective in comparison with two/three piece implants.

    Expensive – with respect to the costs of the implants as well as the time taken for multiple procedures.

    From the patient’s point of view

    Less complex placement procedure, less number of sittings and crown(s) & bridges can be cemented in a day or two… more or less like that of a conventional bridgework & costs are comparable with that of conventional bridgework.

    Crowns / bridges are cemented only after 3 months after the healing phase. Much more expensive than the conventional bridgework.

    Screw Loosening

    Since there is no separate abutment- screw-implant assembly.

    Very common. Being two piece, the relation between the root portion and the abutment portion can present problems. Studies have proved that two piece implants experience higher mechanical stress under oblique loading.

    Long term Maintenance

    Being a single piece, the strength provided by the implant is excellent and there is no separate root portion and abutment portion. Maintenance is very simple. Maintenance is just the same as that of conventional bridgework.

    Maintenance of these implants are more complex… very often screws (when used) are to be tightened at periodic intervals as there will be micro-movement between the implant and the abutment.

    Vacation and Smile!

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      Why You Should Visit Our Clinic ?

      We are the only dental office in Punta Cana with a private digital dental laboratory so we can provide you with everything you need.