Dental Crowns In Mexico

Having a full-mouth restoration with dental crowns in Mexico is the most affordable option to restore your smile without extracting your teeth. Know more about the cost, procedure, and benefits of getting crowns.

The Benefits Of Getting Crowns In Mexico

the benefits of getting crowns in mexico

Dental Crowns Are An Affordable Treatment

At Cancun Dental Design, you can get your crowns with savings that go over the 50% compared to other countries. Having dental crowns in Cancun has become popular among international patients that wish to have the best type of crowns for an affordable cost.

Crowns Have Excellent Cosmetic Properties

If a patient is not comfortable with their teeth´s height, width, shape, or color, a crown can be placed for cosmetic purposes. However, this only applies in specific cases when a tooth or a group of teeth cannot be repaired with other treatments.

Crowns Are Excellent To Restore Your Teeth

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are one of the most effective treatments for teeth restoration. You get to keep your natural teeth by removing the affected parts and placing a dental crown over the remaining healthy teeth.

A Dental Crown Works As A Full-Mouth Restoration

Crowns can function as a full set or individually to restore your mouth. They can be adapted to cover gaps in your mouth caused by the loss of one or more teeth through a dental bridge, or a single crown can be used in conjunction with a dental implant for a simple restoration.

are dental crowns right for me

Are Dental Crowns Right For Me?

Dental Crowns are for every smile that can be saved without tooth extractions. If you are not sure yet, these are some situations that make you suitable for dental crowns.

If You Got One Or More Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can cause severe problems to your oral health that go beyond aesthetics. With crowns, we can recover the health and function of your mouth while keeping a natural look.

If You Have Cracked Or Decayed Teeth

When the tooth damage hasn’t affected the root, you can keep your teeth by removing the infected or damaged area and placing a crown over your tooth to protect and save it.

If You Went Through Root Canal Therapy

Biting forces can affect the durability and functionality of your tooth over time. With a dental crown, we can protect your tooth and preserve its chewing functions.

To Replace A Dental Implant Failure

If you went through dental implantation already, but the implant abutment or the initial crown failed, we can repair the failure with a new abutment and crown with ease.

    Dental Crowns Cost In Mexico Compared To The U.S & Canada

    Instead of spending thousands of dollars in the U.S. or Canada, you can seize better pricing for your crowns in Cancun, Mexico. You will get the same treatment and quality materials at our dental clinic.

    You have three main options to choose from for your teeth crowns: Zirconia crowns, Emax Porcelain crowns, and Yellow gold crowns.

    Types of Dental CrownsCancun Dental
    Design Crown
    U.S. Dental
    Clinics Crown
    Dental Clinics
    Crown Cost
    Zirconia Crowns$450 USD
    per tooth
    $800 to $3000 USD
    per tooth
    $700 to $1500 USD
    per tooth
    E-Max Crowns$450 USD
    per tooth
    $800 to $3000 USD
    per tooth
    $700 to $1200 USD
    per tooth
    Golden Crowns$650 to $850 USD
    per tooth
    $1000 to $2500 USD
    per tooth
    $850 to $1400 USD
    per tooth

    dental crowns cost in mexico

    emax crowns vs zirconia crowns

    E-max Crowns vs Zirconia Crowns

    Benefits Of Zirconia Crowns

    • Strongest material
    • Ideal for the back teeth
    • Whiter color
    • Harder to chip or break

    Benefits Of E-Max Crowns

    • Most natural-looking material
    • Ideal for the front teeth
    • Better aesthetics
    • Easier to repair if broken

    Reasons To Get Your Full Crowns At Cancun Dental Design

    • We care for you and will help you to improve your life quality
    • Receive the same level of dental care quality as the U.S.A
    • You just need a single trip to Cancun to get your crowns
    • Dentists with 15+ years of experience in restorative dentistry
    • Restore your teeth with a minimally invasive procedure
    • Assistance with lodging & free transportation is included
    • Return home with functional & perfectly looking teeth!

    Cancun Dental Crowns Before And After

    See some of our latest dental work with Emax and Zirconia crowns. These are recent before and after pictures of our patients, who now enjoy a perfect-looking smile.

    Zirconia Crowns Before And After

    Emax Crowns Before And After

    dental crowns in mexico before and after photos

    Get Rid of Those Gaps in Your Mouth & Smile Again!

    Recover your missing teeth and save the rest of your smile with the best dental crowns available in Cancun, Mexico. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

    Full Mouth Dental Crowns Reviews In Cancun

    If you still have doubts about the experience of receiving a full set of crowns in Mexico, we invite you to see the dental crowns reviews of our patients. Take the next step to get the smile restoration you want and deserve.

    Get My Personalized Pre Evaluation

      It is possible to get a full mouth reconstruction using multiple dental crowns. The cost of full-mouth crowns at our clinic starts at 4,500 USD per arch. It is the best deal you can have to save money and restore your teeth completely for an affordable price.

      patient with a full set of zirconia crowns

      Zirconia Crowns Full Set Get 10 Zirconia Crowns for

      $ 4,500 USD Per arch

      patient with a full set of emax dental crowns

      E-Max Crowns Full Set Get 8 Emax Crowns for $ 3,600 USD Per arch

      patient with a full set of porcelain and zirconia crowns

      Full Mouth Restoration Porcelain & Zirconia Crowns Get 20 Crowns for

      $ 9,000 USD Full-mouth

      Get Crowns And Bridges In Mexico To Restore Your Smile

      At Cancun Dental Design, we offer two types of dental bridges, which are ideal for one or more missing teeth. Both alternatives are fantastic options to restore your teeth rather quickly.

      3 Unit Bridge In Mexico

      Conventional 3-unit dental bridges are usually used when there is only one missing tooth, creating a gap between two other teeth. Bridges of 4, 5 and even 6 units can be used when more than one tooth is to be replaced, however, this increases the cost and complexity of the treatment.

      Dental Bridge Cost In Mexico

      3 Unit bridge Cost in Mexico
      Starting at: $1,350 USD

      Includes: Emax or Zirconia Bridge
      Tooth Preparation Procedure

      4 Unit bridge Cost in Mexico
      Starting at:

      $1,800 USD Includes:
      Emax or Zirconia Bridge
      Tooth Preparation Procedure

      5 Unit bridge Cost in Mexico
      Starting at: $2,250 USD Includes:
      Emax or Zirconia Bridge
      Tooth Preparation Procedure

      Fixed Implant Bridges In Mexico Dental bridges with implants are a stronger and more durable alternative to conventional dental bridges. However, they are only recommended when there are no teeth that serve as bridge abutments, so two dental implants must be used instead to support the bridge.

      Implant Fixed Bridge Cost in Mexico
      Starting at: $3,450 USD Includes:
      Emax or Zirconia Bridge
      Two regular dental Implants

      patient after getting implant fixed bridges
      patient before getting implant fixed bridges

      The Dental Crown Process In Cancun Dental Design

      Discussing Treatment Goals

      Based on your needs, our dental specialists will discuss the desired results of your dental crown treatment.

      1st Appointment:

      Complete Dental Diagnosis

      You will undergo a complete dental examination including oral scanning, and teeth impressions for us to design the proper crowns for you.

      Teeth Preparation & Temporary Crowns

      It will be necessary to shape your teeth before putting on the final crowns. You will also receive a set of temporary crowns.

      Final Crowns Fabrication Process

      We will handle the information to our on-site laboratory dental technicians to start creating your crowns by hand or with a milling machine.

      2nd Appointment:

      Receiving Your Final Crowns

      You will see your custom-made crowns, and if everything is perfect, as you wanted, we will proceed to place them.

      Dental Crowning Procedure

      The final cementation of your crowns will take only a few hours. You will finally have your new teeth.

      same day dental crowns in mexico

      Receive Same-Day Crowns In Mexico

      You can get same-day crowns in Cancun. This means that your crowns get fabricated and placed in a single day, after undergoing your dental evaluation and analyses. Timeframes may vary depending on if you need a single crown, a dental bridge, or a full-mouth restoration.

      How To Know If You Can Get Same-Day Dental Crowns?

      As in every other dental process related to one-day dentistry, we first have to perform a comprehensive evaluation to take impressions of your teeth and know more about your health and oral condition. After that, it will depend on the availability of the laboratory to perform the crowns in a single day. You can contact our dental coordinator for more info.

      How We Fabricate Your Dental Crowns In Cancun Dental Design?

      How do dental crowns are made

      Inside our in-house dental lab, our dental technicians can fabricate your crowns by hand or with a CAD/CAM milling machine. They can be made of multiple materials for the maximum level of resistance, or better aesthetics, depending on the functional or aesthetical needs of your crowns

      what are dental inlays and onlays

      Dental Inlays And Onlays An Alternative For Crowns In Cancun

      Also known as partial crowns or 3/4 crowns, this treatment is done when dental decay is not too severe to require a full crown, and it will only cover a certain amount of the tooth´s top surface. Inlays and Onlays can be made of the same materials as regular crowns.

      To know if you need an inlay or an onlay instead of a crown, you must undergo an evaluation with our specialists, so they can provide you with the best solution.

      The Difference Between Inlay And Onlay

      Inlay are adequate for mild decay or small fractures on your tooth. It goes inside the tooth´s cusps and fills a specific cavity with a single piece of resin, porcelain material, or zirconia.

      Onlays are adequate for moderately severe decay or fractures on your tooth. It goes all over the tooth´s cusps and fills a bigger surface with a single piece of resin, porcelain material, or zirconia.

      Inlay Cost Per Tooth 450 USD -Milled with CAD/CAM
      -Zirconia or Emax

      Onlay Cost Per Tooth $450 USD – Milled with CAD/CAM
      -Zirconia or Emax

      Frequently Asked Questions For A Dental Crown Treatment

      How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost In Cancun, Mexico?

      At Cancun Dental Design, you can get a dental crown made of zirconia or porcelain for USD 450, and golden crowns for $650 to USD 850, depending on the weight of the gold.

      How Long Does It Take To Get A Crown In Cancun, Mexico?

      What Dental Crowns Are The Best?

      Can I Use My Dental Insurance in Mexico to cover my dental crowns?

      Are Dental Crowns Permanent?

      Dental crowns are a long-lasting solution, but they are not completely permanent. Crowns may need a replacement after several years due to wear down.

      How Do Dental Crowns Work?

      How To Take Care Of Dental Crowns?

      How Long Do Crowns Last?