Dental Bone Graft In Mexico

All You Need To Know

With a dental bone graft, we can help you become a candidate for dental implant treatments like the All On 4. Learn more about the advantages of bone grafting, types, and costs at Cancun Dental Design.

dentists at cancun dental design with a black woman patient after her dental bone graft.

Dental Bone Graft Cost In Mexico

Bone graft cost in Mexico starts from $250 USD and goes to $1, 500 depending on the treatment and the quantity of bone graft needed for your restoration. At Cancun Dental Design we can provide multiple treatments using the bone graft technique.

dental bone graft cost mexico
Dental TreatmentCost in Mexico
Socket Graft Post ExtractionStarting at:
$250 USD
Block GraftStarting At:
$600 USD
Ridge AugmentationStarting At:
$600 USD
Sinus Lift-Crestal Technique$1000 USD
Sinus Lift-Lateral Window Technique1500 USD

The Benefits Of Getting Teeth Bone Graft

A teeth bone graft can sound scary at first but it will bring you multiple benefits in the short and long term. These are the most remarkable advantages of the bone grafting procedure:

• Restores your missing or damaged bone
• Makes you an eligible candidate for dental implants
• Prevents further bone loss and betters the existing one
• Materials for bone grafting are completely biocompatible
• Allows for dental implants to be a successful treatment

before and after picture of a cancun dental design´s patient who got teeth bone graft

“What Is A Dental Bone Graft, Exactly?”

Dental bone grafting is a surgical procedure used to place new bone into spaces where the bone is missing or deteriorated. Bone grafting helps to prevent further bone reabsorption in your jaw due to the absence of tooth roots. It also helps to grow new bone tissue to support dental implants.

When Is Dental Bone Grafting Necessary?

Whenever a tooth is missing, your jawbone will start to lose its healthy qualities like density, height, and width. This is known as bone deterioration, and it’s the main reason why our patients end up needing dental bone graft treatment.

You may need a bone graft treatment if you are in one of the following circumstances:

• You want to be eligible for dental implants
• Your jawbone is damaged or deteriorating
• One or several of your teeth need to be extracted

Bone loss can also be caused by periodontal disease or trauma due to some kind of injury. If you suffer from any of these conditions, you
can contact us to start your treatment and restore your smile.

black woman patient at cancun dental design, before getting dental implants and dental bone graft

black woman patient at cancun dental design, smiling after her dental implant and bone graft treatments

Have You Been Toothless For A Long Time?

Take the first step towards a new smile. We can help you to get permanent teeth with bone graft surgery and dental implant solution. Contact us to start your dental restoration at Cancun Dental Design.

Types Of Bone Graft Techniques At Cancun
Dental Design

At Cancun Dental Design, our specialists can use multiple techniques for bone grafting according to the needs of your treatment. These are all the bone grafting techniques we use:

representation of a socket graft after a tooth extraction

Socket Graft

The most common type of bone graft. It’s used right after a tooth extraction to restore the empty space and prevent bone loss.

example of a block bone graft procedure

Block Bone Graft

This type of bone graft it’s used to fill a quadrant (2 or more teeth) of the lower jawbone with a block of bone material.

3D representation of a ridge bone graft

Ridge Bone Graft

This technique is used to fill ridges and increase the width or height of your jawbone to make it symmetrical.

viasual example of a sinus lift procedure for dental implants

Sinus Lift

A sinus lift is used to properly fit dental implants in your upper jaw area. It is consists of grafting bone into the sinus floor.

What Can You Expect Of Bone Graft Surgery In Mexico

Specialized Dental Surgeons

Your whole treatment will be performed by our experienced dental specialists, who will also use the latest surgical technologies to perform your treatment in the safest, and most effective way.

A Completely Safe Procedure

The bone graft treatment is totally safe, with a success rate of 90 %. By using high-quality materials, and the highest technology for surgical procedures, we can reduce the risks both during surgery and recovery time.

Painless Grafting Surgery

When making any surgery on our patients, we local anesthesia to make the procedure a pain-free experience for you. However, it is always recommended to take medication after the surgery to reduce the discomfort.

Permanent Results

Once the surgical placement of bone graft ends, it will take a few months for the bone grafts to heal and grow new bone. When the healing process is completed, the osseointegration of the grafts becomes permanent.

mature male patient at cancun dental design smiling after undergoing bone graft surgery

Why Does Bone Grafting For Dental Implants Matter?

It is thanks to the bone grafting technique that we can restore our patient’s smiles with dental implants. From experience, we can tell you that around 80% of the cases we treat with any dental implant-based solution require a bone graft at some point.

If you are looking to get a partial or a full-mouth reconstruction with treatments like the All-On 4 or Snap-On Denture, it is almost a certainty that you will need a dental bone graft, but this is actually a good thing, not a disadvantage.

These are the main benefits that a bone graft will bring to your future restoration with dental implants:

• Reduces the risk of the implants failing
• Makes your new teeth feel much better
• Provides better support for the implants
• Helps a lot with your mouth´s aesthetics
• Protects your dental implants
• Improves osseointegration of the implants

before and after pictures of a patient at Cancun dental design who had dental bone grafts to get dental implants

can get dental implants right after bone graft

“Can I Get Dental Implants Right After A Bone Graft?”

Placing dental implants right after a bone graft is possible as long as your jaw condition allows it. If it is not the case, the graft will be left to heal for a few months and the implant will be placed once the bone heals properly.

Related Dental Treatments To Bone Graft Surgery

female ginger patient smiling with her all on 4 dental prosthesis

All On 4 Dental Implants

elder patient smiling with his snap-on-dentures

Snap-On Dentures

young female patient smiling with her crowns and bridges restoration

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Young bald patient smiling with his 3 on 6 dental implants

3 On 6 Dental Implants

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Bone Graft

Where Does Dental Bone Graft Come From?

The material for bone grafts can come from a synthetic product or your own body. At Cancun Dental Design, we prefer to use autografts, as it is much easier to work with and it brings fewer complications during the healing process.

Are Dental Bone Grafts Covered By Insurance In Mexico?

Is Bone Grafting Necessary After A Tooth Extraction?

Whenever an extracted tooth is intended to be replaced with an implant-supported crown or bridge, a bone graft will be necessary to prevent infections, bone loss, or deterioration.

How Long Does Bone Graft Surgery Take?

Do All Dental Implant Treatments Require Bone Grafts