Dental Arts Dentistry Clinic Puerto Vallarta

Dra. María Celina Gutierrez Gonzalez, Dentista – Odontólogo en Puerto Vallarta Dentist service to maintain your oral health

Endodontic, periodontal and orthodontic treatments

I am Dr. María Celina Gutiérrez González, a dentist with more than 30 years of experience in oral health, I offer my services to patients looking for professional, personalized and top-level care for the care of teeth and gums.

If you suffer from tooth pain , notice yellow teeth or suffer from tooth loss, come to my office, as a dentist , I will be in charge of carrying out the indicated procedure to take care of your molars and teeth, such as ultrasound teeth whitening and cleaning. , even the use of resins, or prostheses. I specialize in dental aesthetics, and I am committed to ensuring that my patients have an enviable smile, improve their oral health, and regain confidence.


Innovative equipment for dental procedures

In my office, I use the latest technology and have the necessary materials and furniture to provide you with quality service, as well as timely diagnoses of your condition.

Leave your dental health in my hands, as a dentist I will always seek to improve the condition of your teeth with personalized treatments and convenient processes for your peace of mind. Remember, I am Dr. María Celina Gutiérrez González , I will gladly attend to your dental problems.

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  • Fillings
  • Resins
  • Extractions
  • You keep
  • Digitized x-rays


  • Fixed
  • Removable

Crowns of:

  • Metal
  • Zirconia
  • Resins

Professional dentist services, expert in oral aesthetics

  • Periodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • Endodontics
  • Implants
  • Dental cleaning
  • Extractions
  • Prosthesis
  • Crowns

Dr. María Celina Gutiérrez González – more than 30 years of experience

Dr. María Celina Gutiérrez González – specialties

Dr. María Celina Gutiérrez González – oral health

Go to an appointment with the dentist and get treatments for a perfect smile.