Conservative Dentistry

Prevents extraction of damaged teeth

Specialists in conservative dentistry

We offer high-quality comprehensive solutions for the oral health of our patients so that they maintain correct mastification and aesthetics, preserving the greatest amount of healthy tissue to increase tooth survival for as long as possible.

Wide experience

Great team of professionals, qualified, collegiate and specialized in all branches of dentistry.

Guaranteed quality

We achieve maximum excellence in our conservative dentistry treatments to achieve quality dental work.

Personalized treatments

We prepare dental treatment plans according to the needs, economy and expectations of the patient.

What is conservative dentistry?

Conservative dentistry is the technique by which the mouth is treated to avoid the extraction of the damaged tooth, either by restoring areas damaged by cavities or other dental conditions, such as dental trauma.

Conservative dentistry treatments


Removal of the internal part of the tooth (pulp) of a tooth in poor condition either due to cavities or bacterial contamination.

Dental fillings

Known as fillings, they allow us to solve problems of bacterial damage to any tooth due to cavities.

Occlusal reassembly

Clenching or grinding the teeth is the main cause of dental wear. Through occlusal reassembly, the shape and length are restored by applying material on top.

signs symptoms periodontitis

Avoid cavities, trauma or alterations in development

Our goal is preventive dentistry, treating a cavity in time is better than waiting for said cavity to advance touching the nerve and become a bigger problem. Treating the problem prematurely is the best solution, so even if you have a healthy mouth, you should go to the dentist for periodic check-ups.

periodontitis treatment

Conservative dentistry benefits:

Anyone can be treated with conservative dentistry

Contributes to saving the patient in a matter of time

Savings in pain and discomfort

Allows to preserve the integrity of the teeth

Avoid problems with extractions and placement of prostheses

Is it better to remove the tooth before doing a root canal?

Maintaining our own teeth will always be our first option. For many years extraction was the preferred option, since it was simpler. Currently, dental techniques have evolved to such a point that most of the time it is not necessary to extract the tooth.

Complete process of endodontic treatment

The procedure begins with the application of anesthesia, so you will not feel pain while the process lasts.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca

Local anesthesia

Application of local anesthesia to proceed with the drilling of the dental crown and access the tissue and surface and thus be able to extract the pulp and isolate the tooth.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca


The tooth is cleaned to remove the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues. Dirt is removed with syringes loaded with disinfectant.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca


Once the excess liquid has been removed from the tooth, gutta-percha points are inserted to seal the canal with a cement that will glue them together.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca


Sealing the tooth and taking x-rays to verify the effectiveness of the treatment, then it is left to rest with a temporary paste that will be replaced by a filling.

Do you have any questions about conservative dentistry?

Contact us without any obligation