Children’s Dentistry

We take care of the little ones to prevent future dental problems.

Avoid future dental problems by starting from a young age

The Pediatric Dentistry service of our Dental Centers actively participates in the oral health campaigns of public institutions and private initiatives, in order to prevent and treat dental and oral problems in our children.

Specialized in dealing with children

Extensive experience in all types of children’s cases related to teeth and mouth growth.

We prevent future problems

We prevent future diseases from occurring that could affect the gums or teeth.

Children’s dentistry techniques

We provide a welcoming environment and an emotional and loving relationship so that children feel comfortable in the clinic.

What is pediatric dentistry?

Pediatric Dentistry treats the oral health of children and adolescents , it is very important that from a young age, boys and girls acquire good oral habits that allow them to have a healthy mouth throughout their lives. Our main objective is to achieve these good habits and, in addition, help prevent future oral health problems in young people.

Pediatric dentistry treatments

These are the most common pediatric dentistry treatments performed on children and help to understand which are the most common conditions:

Tooth development and shape

We treat any alteration in the development and shape of the teeth and jaws.

Dental caries

We stop it early before the damage is irreversible.

Tips and guidelines for dental hygiene

We educate children to be responsible for their oral health from a young age.

signs symptoms periodontitis

Why take care of baby teeth if they are going to fall out?

Temporary teeth must be treated to prevent further damage to permanent teeth, which is why it is advisable to make the first visit to children after one year or from the appearance of the first teeth. A smaller size of the temporary teeth will imply a more rapid evolution of the caries towards their interior, in addition, the premature loss of temporary teeth will lead to position problems of the permanent teeth.

periodontitis treatment

Tips to take care of your child’s dental health

Babies : Wet gauze on the gum after each milk feeding

First teeth : Silicone thimble, once a day infant toothbrush

First molars : Children’s toothbrush + dental floss

2-3 years : Paste without fluoride

3-6 years : Children’s toothpastes with fluoride 500ppm

7 years : Higher concentration of fluoride between 1000 and 1500 ppm

Has your child knocked his teeth?

Stay calm, try to convey peace of mind to the child and act quickly. If the tooth has fallen out, put it under the tongue or in a container with a little milk or physiological solution to prevent dehydration. Subsequently, go to the dentist immediately (maximum 1/2 hour), as the tooth is hydrated the dentist could try to reimplant it.

Fear of the dentist in children

80% of people are afraid of the dentist, a fear that is not based on a painful or traumatic experience in a dental clinic, but is a fear of the unknown. To avoid this phobia there are steps and recommendations to take into account.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca


It is very important that dental appointments are part of the routine, making visits every 6 months so that the child gets used to the appointments and is not so afraid.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca


Parents should explain to the child that going to the dentist does not hurt, at the same time they should follow the same routine as him so that he sees that they are not afraid of the procedures.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca

Positive attitude

Parents help a lot by having a positive attitude, you must always explain to the child where you are going and what, you must never lie to him so that he is not caught by surprise.

periodontics dental clinic vallirana sant andreu de la barca


If the child has behaved well in the dental clinic, it doesn’t hurt to reward him with a small prize to reinforce his bravery for having been a true champion.

Do you have any questions about pediatric dentistry?

Contact us without any obligation