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[ID] Esports World Cup : Grand Finals


Free Fire Esports World Cup merupakan kejuaran dunia yang diselenggarakan di Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Empat tim Indonesia EVOS ESPORTS, RRQ, GAIMIN GLADIATORS, & ONIC OLYMPUS akan bertempur mewakili region Indonesia untuk merebut gelar juara dunia musim ini!😎

Yuk, dukung mereka dengan semangat #FFINDOBERSATU mulai Rabu, 10 Juli 2024 Live di YouTube FF Esports ID Pukul 21:00 WIB!🔥

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بث مباشر وحلقة جديدة من برنامج #مع_معتز مع الإعلامي معتز مطر | 14/07/2024

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🔴 Live: Mindvalley AI Summit 2024 Day 3

​​Be in the top 0.1% of Executives, Founders & CEOs using AI. Join Mindvalley AI Mastery 👉

What you’ll you’ll learn from the best of the best:
✅ Stay ahead of the most urgent, industry-disrupting AI trends
Don’t get left behind. By participating in the summit, you’ll gain insights into the cutting-edge AI innovations, and bleeding-edge advancements shaping the very frontier of the landscape so you can apply these exact insights into your business.s.

✅ Unlock the billion dollar opportunity of no-code with AI in 2024
The convergence of these two extremely powerful domains – No Code and AI – offers an unparalleled opportunity for entrepreneurs, innovators, and businesses to revolutionize the way they operate and create vastly innovative AI-powered products in far less time and less work than ever before.

✅ How AI Is disrupting and reshaping entire industries
Position your organization at the forefront of your industry by diving head first into the transformative power of AI. Overtake your competitors and secure your position as the dominant industry leader as you pave your way to unprecedented growth and new heights.

Meet your speaker:
Vishen is the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a personal growth education platform with over 20 million students across 195 countries worldwide. Today, Mindvalley aims to create the world’s most influential education movement on the planet.

Iman Oubou is a serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, and authority in content marketing and AI, whose career bridges technology and impactful content strategies. After leading content teams in media and startups, she launched, an AI-powered content marketing platform.

Manon is an award-winning Creative Director, Composer, Music Producer and AI & Web3 Consultant. Manon has been awarded CES Best of Innovation and the prestigious iF Design Award. Manon has not one, but 5 of Time Magazines Best Inventions List.

Domenic is The creative force behind @mr.grateful, led the groundbreaking AgentGPT challenge on Instagram. Starting with 3,000 followers, he leveraged ChatGPT as a social media manager, skyrocketing to 167,000 in a mere 30 days. As the head of Theta, his private media agency, he works with elite clients like the NFL and Nike.

Andri is the founder of Conturata-AI, a leading-edge educational platform for AI. After self teaching himself code in 2 weeks while having Covid, Andri is now a sought-after expert in the fields of AI, visual creation, and web development with prestigious clientele that include various government agencies.

Vykintas is a 2x TedX speaker, ex-founder of OptiMe and currently serves as the AI Transformation Officer at Mindvalley. He has overseen the successful deployment of hundreds of automated processes and applications, with a total 400,000 user base worldwide.

Juan is a visionary entrepreneur and AI innovator. As Mindvalley’s first COO and co-founder of its Spanish division, Juan has spearheaded initiatives that have generated over 7 million leads and tens of millions in revenue.

#AISummit2024 #ArtificialIntelligence #AIExperts

Putin’s stunted progress caused by massive troop losses | Frontline

Times Radio speaks to this week’s Frontline experts:

Sean Bell, military analyst
Jim Townsend, former deputy assistant secretary of defence for Nato
Bill Browder, Russian expert
Robert Fox, defence editor for the Evening Standard

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LIVE | Puri Jagannath Temple Ratna Bhandar Opening | Vistara News

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LIVE: DONALD TRUMP Selamat Usai Ditembak, Joe Biden Tak Menyebut Percobaan Pembunuhan: Menjijikkan

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TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM – Akhirnya FBI mengidentifikasi warga Pennsylvania berusia 20 tahun yang mencoba membunuh Trump sebagai Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Crooks adalah penduduk Bethel Park, sebuah desa sekitar 55 mil selatan lokasi penembakan di Butler.

Dia tewas setelah melepaskan beberapa tembakan dari atap yang menghadap ke lokasi reli.

Crooks tidak membawa identifikasi pada saat penembakan.

Penyelidik menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk mengkonfirmasi identitasnya yang dicurigai.

Sebelumnya FBI melakukan konfirmasi biometrik serta memeriksa DNA penembak dan melihat foto-fotonya.

Pihak berwenang juga sedang menyelidiki bagaimana penembakan itu terjadi.

Termasuk laporan dari para saksi mata bahwa mereka melihat pria bersenjata memanjat atap.

Diketahui Trump berpidato di sebuah rapat umum di Butler, Pennsylvania, ketika suara keras terdengar di antara kerumunan sekitar pukul 18.13 petang waktu setempat.

Ia tampak seperti terhantam sesuatu di sekitar telinga kanannya saat ia berbicara.

Rekaman video menunjukkan Trump dengan cepat memegang telinganya dan kemudian menunduk ke tanah, saat agen keamanan dan orang lain berhamburan menolongnya.

Trump kemudian mengunggah pernyataan di Truth Social, yang mengatakan bahwa ia terkena “peluru yang menembus bagian atas telinga kanannya”.(*)

Editor Video: Chandra Simarmata

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