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Germany THROTTLES France behind Franz Wagner, Dennis Schroder | Paris Olympics | NBC Sports

Franz Wagner and Dennis Schroder continued to thrive for Germany, combining for 52 points in a convincing win over host nation France. #NBCSports #Olympics #Paris2024
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Dennis Schroder, Germany hold off Brazil in men’s basketball matchup | Paris Olympics | NBC Sports

डरे हुए राहुल गांधी केजरीवाल की भाषा क्यों बोल रहे हैं #EP2005 @apkaakhbar

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डरे हुए राहुल गांधी केजरीवाल की भाषा क्यों बोल रहे हैं #EP2005 @apkaakhbar

किसी भी व्यक्ति के अँदर का डर ज़्यादा देर तक छिप नहीं पाता। किसी न किसी बहाने बाहर आ ही जाता है। जो डरता है वह ज़ोर ज़ोर से बोलता है कि उसे डर नहीं लग रहा है। आजकल कांग्रेस नेता और नेता प्रतिपक्ष राहुल गांधी यही कर रहे हैं। वह बार-बार बोल रहे हैं डरो मत डराओ मत। तो कौन डर रहा है और किससे डर रहा है । यह बात वे नहीं बताते। उनके अंदर का डर जितना बढ़ रहा है उससे ज़्यादा उनकी आक्रामकता बढ़ रही है। अब उन्हें ईडी का डर सता रहा है। वे इसे छिपा नहीं पा रहे।
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Logan Paul Comes Out As The Worst Person Alive – H3 Show #37


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0:00 Topic Introductions
0:50 Teddy Fresh SALE!
3:50 Ryan Kavanaugh’s Failure Sketch
15:24 Tana Mongeau & Another TMG Post
22:05 Gabe Calls In
27:55 AB’s Lookalike
33:18 DrDisrespect Is Back
40:35 Jojo Siwa’s New Dance Is…
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52:00 James Charles Posts A Cringe TikTok
1:02:20 The Vitaly Streams Has Gone Too Far
1:06:50 Massive MrBeast Article Dropped
1:08:00 Vitaly Stream Supercut
2:11:40 Logan Paul & All Of Twitter Crying About Olympics
3:05:20 Reading Donos

[에디터픽] “2달 전 폭탄 설치“ 외신 충격 보도..분노한 이란 보복 명령 떨어졌다 / YTN

하마스의 1인자, 하니예가 암살된 숙소라고 뉴욕타임스가 공개한 사진입니다.

뉴욕타임스는 익명의 현지 관리들을 인용해 두 달 전쯤 숙소 내부에 설치된 폭탄이 원격 조정으로 폭발했다고 보도했습니다.

월스트리트저널도 이란에 잠입한 이스라엘 정보기관, 모사드의 공작팀이 사전에 설치한 폭탄을 터뜨렸다고 전했습니다.

이런 보도 내용은 스텔스 기능을 갖춘 F-35나 공격용 드론에서 미사일을 발사했을 가능성이 크다는 대다수의 관측을 뒤엎는 겁니다.


0. “2달 전 숙소에 폭탄 설치”…암살 방식 논란 확산 (유투권 기자 / 8.2)
1. 이란, 거듭된 보복 다짐…이스라엘 “공격하면 맞대응” (신웅진 기자 / 8.2)
2. 네타냐후 “이스라엘 공격하면 무거운 대가 치를 것” (8.2)
3. 하마스 1인자 피살에 중동 정세 격랑…이란 보복 나설까 (명형주 YTN 이스라엘 리포터 / 8.1)
4. “이란 군 고문도 베이루트서 이스라엘 공습으로 사망” (8.2)
5. 유엔 안보리 긴급 소집…이란-이스라엘 ‘네탓’ 설전 (8.1)
6. 이란, 하니예 장례식서 “보복은 의무”…아랍권 시위 확산 (김도원 기자 / 8.1)
7. [뉴스UP] ‘하마스 1인자’ 이란서 피살…5차 중동전쟁 기폭제 되나 (남성욱 고려대 통일외교학부 교수 / 8.1)

#이란 #이스라엘 #하마스

강재연 ([email protected])
[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재, 재배포 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지]

‘DISGRACEFUL!’: Trump SELF DESTRUCTS At Black Journalist Event

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“The first time I ever really listened to Kyle Kulinski’s show was in the back of a cab last summer. The driver had his phone hooked up through the stereo and was pumping out an episode through the car speakers — loudly, as if looking to convert a captive audience.

“Do you like Kyle Kulinski?”

The driver, Ahmed, was a recent immigrant and apparently a die-hard fan of Secular Talk, the political talk show that Kulinski broadcasts on YouTube. I told him, yes, in fact. I do like Kulinski, had come across his show several years ago, and, all things considered, he seemed pretty good.

“He understands what we’re up against,” Ahmed said. “Like Bernie.”

But I was surprised to hear Kulinski’s name mentioned in the same breath as Bernie Sanders, particularly with such adoration. Because what I did remember about Kulinski’s show struck me as mostly capital-P “progressive” takes on the news — the left wing of the Netroots crowd more than the democratic socialism Sanders has popularized.

It’s an impression that wasn’t entirely incorrect.

“I have no time for philosophical, airy bullshit,” Kulinski tells me from his home in Westchester, New York. “I don’t want to hear about Lenin. I don’t want to hear about Marx. I just want a super plainspoken, straightforward agenda with a straightforward way of selling it.”

With over 800,000 subscribers and nearly 670 million total views on YouTube, selling a progressive agenda is clearly something Kulinski knows how to do — even Democracy Now, the long-standing flagship of progressive media, cannot match his reach on the platform. Chapo Trap House can certainly boast a wildly devoted fan base (and a not insignificant degree of media influence), but their audience is roughly half the size of Kulinski’s.

While Secular Talk might be more likely to be looped in with the progressive networks around Air America and Pacifica alums like Sam Seder than the more resolutely socialist world, Kulinski’s fiery rhetoric, razor-sharp class instincts, and knack for withering takedowns sets him apart from his peers. Judging by his rhetoric alone, he’s closer to a Eugene Debs than a Chris Hayes.

But unlike Hayes, Amy Goodman, or his friend Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks — who began airing Secular Talk on his web network seven years ago — the thirty-two-year-old Kulinski is virtually invisible in the mainstream media. Despite his enormous fan base, his show has never once been mentioned in the obligatory trend pieces on “the Millennial Left” pumped out by the prestige media. Nor has Kulinski’s name ever popped up at all in the New York Times, Vox, the New Yorker, New York Magazine, or the Washington Post, despite his leading role in cofounding Justice Democrats, the organization widely credited with sweeping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of “the Squad” to power.

Just last week, his Wikipedia page was deleted. The reason? “There is very simply no [reliable source] coverage of this person,” according to one moderator. In new media, he’s king — the Sean Hannity of the Berniecrat left. In old media, he’s nobody.

I suspect there are a few reasons for that. There is nothing “cool” about Kulinski’s show. (As a friend put it, “‘Welcome to Secular Talk’ sounds like something you’d hear on Egyptian radio.”) His no-nonsense social-democratic politics won’t get him much cred with the Full Communism crowd. He records his show not in Brooklyn or Los Angeles, but in a studio he built himself in his modest Westchester home. His hair is too groomed and his taste in clothes too preppy to qualify as “Dirtbag Left.” Nor has he ever attended an n+1 release party. “Not only have I not attended one,” he says, “I have no idea what that means.”

And yet he’s astonishingly plugged-in for a young man in the suburbs. Wondering how Sanders ended up on the Joe Rogan Experience? Kulinski, a frequent guest on Rogan’s wildly popular show, introduced them. “You make the most sense to me,” Rogan told Kulinski on a recent episode. “You’re a normal person.”

Much like Sanders himself, Kulinski’s show has a massive audience that just doesn’t compute with our media’s understanding of “what the kids want” or even “what the left-wing kids want.”

It’s probably for the best — the very woke and very WASP-ish decorum haunting much of the media world is nowhere to be found in Secular Talk. “Corporate Democrats over-focus on identity as a trick to divert you from the issues that unite us all — class issues,” he said on a recent episode.

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‘ICE IS THINNING’: Economist warns ‘red flags’ are emerging for US economy

KPMG chief economist Diane Swonk discusses whether the U.S. economy is headed for recession on ‘Making Money.’ #foxbusiness #makingmoney

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