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লক্ষ্মীপুরে খালে অবৈধ বাঁধ দিয়ে মাছ চাষ; ব্যাহত পানি প্রবাহ | Laxmipur Flood Cause | Jamuna TV

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লক্ষ্মীপুরে খুবই ধীরগতিতে নামছে বানের জল। স্থানীয়দের মতে, জেলার নদী খালে অবৈধ বাঁধ দিয়ে মাছ চাষ করছেন প্রভাবশালীরা। এতে ব্যাহত হচ্ছে পানি প্রবাহ। তাছাড়াও, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ খালগুলো দখল-দূষণে সংকুচিত হওয়ায়, বানের জল মিশছে না মেঘনায়। ফলে উন্নতি নেই বন্যা পরিস্থিতির।

লক্ষ্মীপুরে খালে অবৈধ বাঁধ দিয়ে মাছ চাষ; ব্যাহত পানি প্রবাহ | Laxmipur Flood Cause | Jamuna TV

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Vigil for Apalachee High School shooting victims in Georgia

Four people are dead and nine others are hurt after a shooting at a Georgia high school. Investigators say the suspect is just 14 years old. Now the FBI says it received tips about the teen a year-and-a-half ago. ABC’s Zohreen Shah has the story.

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Bão số 3 đang liên tục tăng cấp trước khi đổ bộ vào đất liền nước ta. Lý giải nguyên nhân, ông Hoàng Phúc Lâm, Phó giám đốc Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia cho biết do các điều kiện môi trường ở khu vực biển Đông là rất thuận lợi cho bão, nhiệt độ trên biển hiện nay là 31 độ C và duy trì liên tục trong nhiều ngày qua.
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LIVE: సింగ్ నగర్ ప్రస్తుత పరిస్థితి | Present Situation in Singh Nagar | AP Floods | Amaravati Galam

LIVE: సింగ్ నగర్ ప్రస్తుత పరిస్థితి | Present Situation in Singh Nagar | AP Floods | Amaravati Galam
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