Author: dentaltourismassociationonline

Taliban Attack on Pakistan Today: तालिबान का हमला, बैकफुट पर PAK सेना! | Afghanistan| Shehbaz Sharif

दहशत और मज़हब के आधार पर बना मुल्क पाकिस्तान भारत से लगी सीमा पर घुसपैठ की कोशिश में लगा रहता है और अब दूसरी तरफ अफगानिस्तान की सीमा पर उसकी परेशानी काफी बढ़ गई है। वहां युद्ध जैसे हालात बनने लगे हैं। अफगान तालिबान फोर्सेज और पाकिस्तान की सेना अब आमने सामने है। सीमा पर कम्प बनाने को लेकर दोनों तरफ से ज़बरदस्त गोलीबारी हो रही है, रॉकेट दागे जा रहे हैं। हालात इतने खराब हो गए हैं कि आम लोग भी अब इसका शिकार हो गए हैं। इस पूरे मामले पर पाकिस्तानी सेना का जो बयान सामने आया वो किसी मज़ाक से कम नहीं है।

Pakistan, a country built on the basis of terror and religion, keeps trying to infiltrate on the border with India and now on the other hand its problems have increased a lot on the border of Afghanistan. War-like situations have started developing there. Afghan Taliban forces and Pakistan army are now face to face. There is heavy firing and rockets being fired from both sides to create a camp on the border. The situation has become so bad that even common people have now become its victims. The statement made by the Pakistani Army on this entire matter is no less than a joke.

Taliban Attack on Pakistan Today: तालिबान का हमला, बैकफुट पर PAK सेना! | Afghanistan| Shehbaz Sharif

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Watch PJ Masks Season 4 LIVE 24/7 for the best kid’s cartoons.

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PJ Masks Power Heroes – Power heroes Catboy, Owlette and Gekko are joined by new heroes, creating a bigger, even better team. Good thing, too, as new villains are in town. Our heroes will take them on in the city, space, and the frozen wilderness of Iceworld. As Catboy says, “if badness is everywhere, we’ll be everywhere.”

PJ Masks – By day 6 year olds Connor, Amaya and Greg go to school like everyone else. But when something goes awry in the city, these special kids, filled with curiosity and a sense of justice get ready for their mission – but they have to wait until night fall when the city is asleep and they can go un detected. Instead of going to bed like all the other children, when our heroes get their pyjamas on, they magically transform into super heroes and become the PJ Masks. Here come Catboy – super fast and agile, Gekko – super strong and can scale walls and Owlette – with the ability to fly and see great distances. Together these three can tackle any situation – PJ Masks they’re on their way into the night to save the day!

Meet The Characters:

Catboy – Incredibly fast! Amazingly agile! Able to hear the quietest sounds across unbelievable distances. When adventure beckons, the amazing Catboy leaps to the rescue!

Owlette – She can fly! Has super eyesight! And when she flaps her powerful wings, the baddies are sent flying… Keep your “Owl Eyes!” on Owlette!

Gekko – He’s strong, sticky and a master of camouflage! He’s ready to rush into danger and save the day…watch out baddies, here comes the mighty Gekko!

Newton Star – Newton is an ordinary, book-obsessed kid by day from a different city to the PJ’s, but by night he transforms into protector of space – Newton Star!

An Yu – Protector of Mystery Mountain, she’s an ancient soul, half-girl half-dragon, freed after being trapped inside the Dragin Gong for 1000 years.

Armadylan – A big, strong kid, who thinks he’s one of the heroes! Armadylan’s pyjamas turn into a bulky suit of armour, armadillo-style.

Romeo – A marvel of mechanical mischief, meet mad scientist Romeo. With all his amazing inventions he plans to take over the world!

Luna Girl – Luna Girl wants all the daytime things for herself – and she’ll have a terrible tantrum if she doesn’t get her way!

Night Ninja – A splat-sticking, back-flipping Ninja who wants to show everyone that he’s the best at everything!

PJ Robot – Friend of the PJ Masks, this miniature inventor is the keeper of HQ and unlocks the heroes’ new superpowers!

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El Control al paro camionero y el “OPORTUNISMO politiquero” de Claudia López | Semana

#Opinión | “El oportunismo politiquero de Claudia López no tiene límites. Como cree que tiene autoridad moral para hablar de buenas prácticas de gobierno, salió a dar cátedra sobre el paro de transportadores”: aquí está #ElControl de María Andrea Nieto.
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