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Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs defense will say sex was consensual: Harvey Levin | Banfield

Sean “Diddy” Combs will remain locked up in a Brooklyn federal jail after a judge Wednesday rejected the hip-hop mogul’s proposal that he await his sex trafficking trial in the luxury of his Florida mansion. TMZ’s Harvey Levin joins NewsNation’s Ashleigh Banfield to discuss Diddy’s legal plight.

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Chivas vs Leon 2-0 Resumen Y Goles COMPLETO | Apertura | Liga MX 2024 Jornada 8

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Chivas vs Leon 0-1 Resumen y Goles | Liga MX
Leon vs Chivas 1-0 | Resumen y Goles | Liga MX | HOY
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Hezbollah ‘acts in constant defiance’ of UN by ‘relentlessly’ sending rockets into Israel

Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham discusses the detonation of communications devices belonging to the listed terrorist organisation Hezbollah.

Reports of exploding walkie-talkies owned by members of Hezbollah have arsine from Lebanon killing at least 14 and injuring hundreds more.

These explosions follow Wednesday’s attack, which caused hundreds of pagers to detonate, killing at least another 14 and injuring thousands.

The militant group has blamed Israel and vowed revenge, but there has been no response yet from the Israeli government.

“We do have to remember that Hezbollah is a listed and active terrorist organisation that relentlessly sends rockets into Israel,” Mr Birmingham told Sky News Australia.

“Just two months ago sent rockets that, of course, killed children in a playground in the Golan Heights, has displaced tens of thousands of Israelis from the north of Israel and from their homes.

“And acts in constant defiance of a UN resolution that is essentially meant to keep southern Lebanon as a demilitarised zone but instead Hezbollah are constantly using that as a base for their rocket and military attacks on Israel.”

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After Pager Terrorists Phones Exploded in Lebanon LIVE: पेजर के बाद लेबनान में फटे आतंकियों के फोन!

After Pager Terrorists Phones Exploded in Lebanon LIVE: पेजर के बाद लेबनान में फटे आतंकियों के फोन!

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