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L’événement John Cena vient tout juste de tomber sur Brawl Stars, mais il est tellement buggé qu’il est impossible d’y jouer.
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عاجل.. 8 ضحايا و59 جريحا جراء غارة إسرائيلية على الضاحية الجنوبية في بيروت

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Tirupati Temple Prasad : प्रसाद में इस्तेमाल घी में चर्बी की मिलावट | ABP News | Breaking

केंद्रीय मंत्री गिरिराज सिंह ने तिरुपति प्रसाद विवाद पर कहा कि मैं इस मामले में दो बातें कहना चाहूंगा। पहली, इसकी CBI जांच होनी चाहिए। मैं 2 साल पहले वहां गया था, इस सरकार ने श्रीजा से घी नहीं खरीदा, जो दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी महिला स्वामित्व वाली संस्था है, इसकी CBI जांच होनी चाहिए। दूसरी, यह हिंदू धर्म के खिलाफ घोर अत्याचार है, सिर्फ मिलावट के लिए नहीं बल्कि इसके लिए अपराधी को फांसी की सजा मिलनी चाहिए।

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هل تركت إيران حزب الله وحيدًا أمام إسرائيل؟ قراءة مع أسعد بشارة

مستمرون في تغطيتنا من قناة الغد للعدوان الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة.. المزيد من التفاصيل الكاتب والباحث السياسي أسعد بشارة خلال لقائه بالغد

#البيجر #حزب_الله #هواتف_حزب_الله #لبنان
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ВИБУХИ до неба під Москвою! Путін ЕКСТРЕНО змінює генералів. Кремль ЗІЗНАВСЯ про Курськ – МУСІЄНКО

Ведуча Ірина Узлова та керівник Центру військово-правових досліджень Олександр Мусієнко ‪ @Musienko_channel традиційно обговорили найактуальніші новини навколо російсько-української війни.

Головні теми випуску:
– Президент України Володимир Зеленський заявив, що другий Саміт миру має вже у 2024 році “поставити крапку” у війні з Росією. За його словами, Україна має бути посилена до проведення другого саміту миру вже цього року;
– Речник російського диктатора Путіна Дмитро Пєсков заявив, що Кремль повністю контролює ситуацію на Курщині. Однак насправді в армії РФ так кепські справи: Деталі;
– Урсула фон дер Ляєн у столиці України заявила, що вражена, з якою «швидкістю та якістю» Україна рухається до членства в ЄС; 
– Під Москвою горить один з найбільших складів Росії. Втрати Росії від атак на такі об’єкти. 

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Earth’s Largest Crater Is Hiding in Plain Sight

JMP offers a 30-day free trial for anyone, anywhere. Go to to see the benefits of visual statistics for yourself.

An asteroid nearly twice the size of the one that killed the dinosaurs left a record-setting crater in South Africa. If you look closely, you can still see it today, 2 billion years later.

Hosted by: Jaida Elcock (She/her)
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Percée ukrainienne et folles rumeurs à Moscou…#cdanslair Archives 2023

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Percée ukrainienne et folles rumeurs à Moscou…#cdanslair 20.09.2023

C’est une grande première. Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky doit s’adresser devant le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, ce mercredi 20 septembre, au lendemain de son premier discours en présentiel devant l’assemblée générale des Nations Unies. Il y fera face à la Russie, membre permanent de l’instance, pour la première fois depuis le début de la guerre. Pays qu’il a accusé hier à la tribune de l’ONU de commettre un génocide en déportant des “dizaines de milliers” d’enfants ukrainiens. Le président ukrainien a également dénoncé dans l’enceinte de l’ONU le fait que la Russie se serve de l’alimentation et de l’énergie nucléaire “comme d’une arme” ce qui impacte l’Ukraine comme “le reste du monde” et a appelé les dirigeants de la planète à l’aider à préparer “un sommet de la paix”. “Beaucoup de sièges ici seront bientôt vides si la Russie continue sa guerre de propagation”, a par ailleurs mis en garde Volodymyr Zelensky, alors qu’une quarantaine de pays parmi les 193 membres ont préféré jusqu’à présent rester neutres dans le conflit. Il a en outre conseillé les pays du Sud réceptifs aux sirènes économiques de la Russie à ne pas faire confiance à Moscou. “On ne peut pas se fier au mal”. “Je sais que des accords louches sont en train d’être négociés. Demandez à Prigojine si Poutine respecte ses promesses” a-t-il lancé.

À l’offensive sur le front diplomatique pour tenter de rallier les pays non-alignés, Volodymyr Zelensky entend également à travers ce déplacement aux États-Unis obtenir de Washington le soutien à une guerre longue alors que le Congrès américain doit se prononcer sur de nouvelles aides militaires et que cette question fait l’objet d’intenses débats outre-Atlantique sur fond de campagne présidentielle. Pour la deuxième fois depuis le début de la guerre, le président ukrainien retrouvera Joe Biden, ce jeudi à la Maison Blanche, pour discuter de son soutien à Kiev. Une rencontre qui interviendra à un “moment critique, moment où la Russie cherche désespérément de l’aide auprès de pays comme la Corée du Nord pour mener sa guerre brutale en Ukraine” a expliqué le conseiller à la sécurité nationale, Jake Sullivan. Et ce alors que sur le terrain, les autorités ukrainiennes ont affirmé, lundi, avoir perforé la ligne de défense russe, près de Bakhmout, dans l’est du pays.

Depuis le lancement de sa contre-offensive en juin dernier, l’armée ukrainienne grignote peu à peu du terrain dans l’est du pays, mais cette percée confirmée par les services secrets britanniques pourrait-elle marquer un véritable tournant dans le conflit ? Que se passe-t-il sur le front ukrainien ? Quels sont les enjeux du déplacement de Volodymyr Zelensky aux États-Unis ? Pourquoi la santé de Ramzan Kadyrov, le dictateur de Tchétchénie, fait-elle l’objet d’autant de rumeurs ? La Tchétchénie est-elle une poudrière ? Enfin qui sont ces Russes qui se battent aux côtés de l’Ukraine ?

Nos experts :
– Général Dominique Trinquand, ancien chef de la mission militaire française auprès de l’ONU
– Anthony Bellanger, éditorialiste, spécialiste des questions internationales – France Inter
– Paul Gogo, journaliste et correspondant à Moscou
– Nicole Bacharan, politologue spécialiste des États-Unis

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Trump DEMANDS Government Shutdown After McConnell Calls Republicans Stupid

Republicans in the House failed to get a budget bill passed on Wednesday evening because they wouldn’t remove the SAVE Act that Donald Trump has been pushing for. Now Trump has gone ballistic and is demanding that Republicans shut down the federal government at the end of the month. Mitch McConnell had previously said that doing so would be “politically stupid,” but Trump is telling Republicans that now is the time to be stupid. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

On Wednesday evening, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson brought to the floor the budget bill that, of course had attached to it the Save Act that I have spoken at length about. So I’m not gonna get too much into it. But for those who have not been paying attention, the Save Act, of course, is the legislation that makes it illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections, which is already illegal, but it gives Republicans more leeway to kick people off the voting rolls and makes it harder for people to register to vote. Republicans don’t want people to vote. They always get hurt when there’s higher turnout, so that’s what it’s all about. But Wednesday night, Johnson finally brings the bill to the floor with the Save Act attached to it, and of course, it immediately failed as everybody knew it would. Even Marjorie Taylor Greene knew that it was gonna fail.

So back to the drawing board, right? Well, not so fast, because Donald Trump following the failure of this legislation, once again, demanded Republicans shut down the government if they don’t get everything they want, and Democrats get nothing of what they want. Here is what Donald Trump posted on truth social. If Republicans don’t get the save act and every ounce of it, they should not agree to a continuing resolution in any way, shape or form. Democrats are registering illegal voters by the tens of thousands as we speak. They will be voting in the 2024 presidential election, and they shouldn’t be allowed to. Only American citizens should be voting in our most important election in history or any election. A vote must happen before the election, not after the election, when it is too late. Be Smart Republicans, you’ve been pushed around long enough by the Democrats. Don’t let it happen. Again. Remember, this is Biden Harris’ fault, not yours.

Now, there’s a reason Trump told these people to be smart, but first, let me go ahead and point out that no, the Democrats are not registering tens of thousands of illegal voters. By the way, you would see that like the federal government knows when people register to vote, the states know when people register to vote. And for the record, you can actually look those things up yourself. You don’t even have to be a government official. If it were happening, there would be documentation that is widely available to every single person with a connection to the internet. It’s not happening. Trump is a delusional liar. But again, there’s a reason why Donald Trump told Republicans, be smart. Biden and Harris will get the blame for it. It’s because the day before Republican senate, minority leader Mitch McConnell said this to Republicans, one thing you cannot have is a government shutdown.

It would be politically beyond stupid for us to do that right before the election, because certainly we’d get the blame. One of my favorite old sayings is, there’s no education in the second kick of a mule. We’ve been here before. So Mitch McConnell came out the day before Trump posted this and said, Republicans, you’re stupid. We will get blamed. And of course it will crush us in November. And then Trump goes out and he says, no, no, no. Be smart. Biden and Harris will get the blame. And apparently Speaker Johnson went with Donald Trump, said, okay, I’ll do it. I’ll be stupid. I mean, smart for you, I guess. Totally not an idiot. Mitch McConnell is right. And I, it feels so weird saying that, but Mitch McConnell’s, right? Republicans will get the blame. Hell, as I mentioned, even Marjorie Taylor Greene knows that. And if it’s that obvious to Marjorie Taylor Greene, then I know it’s obvious to Mike Johnson, but Johnson has been put in an unwinnable position.

Kaffara Episode 57 – [Eng Sub] – Ali Ansari – Laiba Khan – Zoya Nasir – 20th September 2024

Thanks for watching Har Pal Geo. Please click here to Subscribe and hit the bell icon to enjoy Top Pakistani Dramas and satisfy all your entertainment needs. Do you know Har Pal Geo is now available in the US? Share the News. Spread the word.

Kaffara Episode 57 – [Eng Sub] – Ali Ansari – Laiba Khan – Zoya Nasir – 20th September 2024 – HAR PAL GEO

Sitara, a lively orphan living with her brother, aunt, and uncle, finds joy in life’s small things despite her aunt’s poor treatment. Her aunt keeps her around because she has a share in the family’s property.
Salar, the son of a wealthy businessman, is passionate about photography, which often earns him criticism from his family. With a pure heart, Salar is known for evading his responsibilities.
At her cousin’s wedding, Sitara wrongly assumes Salar is the photographer. Salar develops a soft spot for Sitara after seeing how poorly she is treated. However, due to a conspiracy, objections arise about their closeness. Salar, once again, avoids the issue, leaving Sitara to face doubts from her own family.
Can Sitara prove she’s not guilty? Will Salar help her avoid further mistreatment? Will her family support Sitara? Can Salar show he genuinely cares? Will there be more plots against Sitara?

7th Sky Entertainment Presentation
Producers: Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi
Director: Muhammad Iftikhar Iffi
Writer: Shafia Khan

Cast :
Ali Ansari as Salar
Laiba Khan as Sitara
Zoya Nasir as Nimi
Aliya Ali as Saba
Yasir Shoro as Salman
Junaid Akhtar as Ehtisham
Fawad Jalal as Junaid
Raeed Muhammad Alam as Qasim
Zohreh Amir as Zoya
Sadaf Aashan as Shahida
Rashid Farooqui as Shaukat
Bakhtawar Khan as Sahiba
Annie Zaidi as Mehreen
Usman Peerzada as Tahir
Reham Rafiq as Kiran
Nazlee Nasr as Najma
Mohsin Gillani as Mirza Sahab
Shaheen Khan as Suraiya
Sami Khan as Zohaib
Sajida Syed as Zaira
Fareeha Jabeen as Khala Bi
Shabana Shaikh as Zehra


Sex Parties?? Steven Crowder CONFRONTS Covid Czar For BREAKING Pandemic Rules HE CREATED

Amber Duke and Kevin Walling react to undercover video of Steven Crowder exposing N.Y.’s Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma broke pandemic-era rules. #covid #jayvarma

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