Amalgam Fillings Removal Tijuana

All the information you need to understand the benefits of removing amalgam fillings or getting Composite Resin Fillings done in Tijuana, including prices, benefits and frequently asked questions.

Amalgam Removal Changed My Life

At X Dentistry in Tijuana, we prioritize a mercury-free approach, aligning with the practices of numerous modern dental clinics. Today, patients globally are increasingly informed about the benefits of removing amalgam fillings due to potential health risks associated with mercury.

While many wonder about the safety and necessity of amalgam filling removal, it’s essential to note that if your teeth are in sound condition and there’s no damage compromising your amalgam restoration, removal may not be recommended.

Dental amalgam specialist at Xdentistry

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    Teeth Amalgam Removal at Xdentistry

    Holistic Amalgam Removal Benefits


    Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause severe risks to your health and, it is proven that amalgams will release mercury vapor with time.


    We work under the established international protocols to secure a safe and risk-free amalgam removal.


    You get the quality as offered in the United States, at an affordable price that saves you thousands of dollars.


    This protocol began with training and certifications back in 2016. The SMART protocol has developed and established an extensive and detailed set of protective measures to remove existing dental mercury amalgam fillings.

    Reduce mercury vapors by cooling with water

    Drilling of amalgam

    High volume suction with custom isolation tip (Clean Up brand)

    Secondary air evacuation

    Use of a rubber dam

    Use of Non-latex gloves

    Immediate clean up

    Using of Charcoal

    Filtering air in the operatory

    Providing Clean Air

    Protect Patient Skin and Clothing

    Safe Amalgam Removal Price In Tijuana – Amalgam Removal Cost

    The cost of amalgam removal can fluctuate based on the quantity of amalgams requiring removal. Through our complimentary assessment, we’ll determine the necessary steps for your treatment. Opting for this procedure with us can lead to significant savings, with potential cost reductions of approximately 70% compared to local clinic prices.

    Amalgam Removal

    $60 USD

    Complete Treatment

    • Healthier Alternative
    • Improved Aesthetics
    • Enhanced Peace of Mind

    Happy patient at Xdentistry standing out her new smile

    Dental Amalgam Removal: Step by Step

    At X Dentistry Tijuana, we carefully consider your specific case, to achieve the best result possible; here are the three steps on how your case will be handled.

    Dentist evaluating an amalgal filling procedure

    1.First assessment

    Our specialist will check upon your current dental health aided by a couple of tools such as 3D scan, X-Rays and more.

    Dental Specialist evaluating a patient at Xdentistry

    2. Treatment

    Following the established SMART protocol, the procedure is seamless and pain-free.

    Patient looking her dental results

    3. Results & recommendations

    After the procedure, you will be examined to verify that you are comfortable and happy with the results and to let you know some recommendations for the following couple of days.

    Composite Resin Fillings in Tijuana

    Composite Resin Fillings are utilized to address minor imperfections and fractures, primarily resulting from cavities. These fillings not only fortify your teeth but also enhance their resistance to potential damage and the pressure exerted during biting.

    Unlike the traditional amalgam dental method, the materials in our Composite Resin Fillings are biocompatible and deemed safe for the human body. Additionally, these resin fillings are versatile and can be incorporated into various aesthetic dental procedures.

    Book Your Appointment And Embark On Your Orthodontic Journey.

      Composite Resin Filling

      Dental Amalgam Vs Composite Fillings

      Here are some advantages about having composite fillings:


      Dental resin is a tooth-colored restorative material used to replace a decayed portion of your tooth with aesthetic objectives.


      Dental resin has a very similar color to natural teeth. It can be used for both front and posterior teeth.


      Given the proper care and hygiene measures, dental resin can last up to 15 years.

      Composite Filling Cost

      The price of this dental treatment will vary according to the number of amalgams you need to be removed, for this, our free assessment will let us and you know the following steps that will be taken. Remember that having this procedure done with us, will save you thousands of dollars by saving around 70% of the cost compared with your local clinic.

      Small Cavity Filling

      Big Cavity Filling

      $60 USD

      Complete Treatment

      • Precise and Minimal Tooth Removal
      • Quick Application and Procedure
      • Conservative Restoration

      $120 USD

      Complete Treatment

      • Strength and Durability
      • Customizable and Aesthetic
      • Functional Restoration

      Inlay and Onlay crowns at Xdentistry

      Dental Crowns In Mexico For Fillings

      Having an advanced damage in your teeth may lead to a dental crown as your best option, placing an artificial tooth over a remaining healthy area previously prepared by our specialist.

      The fillings work for small damaged areas of a tooth, while an on lay will be for a wider damaged area, both use the E-Max porcelain material, one of the strongest and functional materials available in the market for these type of treatments.

      Frequently Asked Questions about Amalgam Filling Removal

      What to expect after amalgam removal?

      What is the life expectancy of an amalgam restoration?

      Why do dentists want to replace old fillings?

      Contact Us!

        Our Dental Advisors will accompany you in the dental transformation process.
        They are ready to answer all your questions.