
Unusual activity in Qinhuangdao! Did something happen to Xi, or is there a secret meeting in Beidaihe? Rumors suggest Peng Liyuan faces resistance within the Party and her ambitions to rise have been thwarted. The Third Plenary Session has enraged the entire country, sparking a wave of criticism against Xi! A new term has nailed down the Xi era.


陳破空:旅美作家、政论家、八九民運人士。出生於四川省三台縣。就讀湖南大学、同济大学。美國哥倫比亞大學公共管理碩士。曾執教中山大學。代表作品:《中南海厚黑学》、《假如中美开战》、《川普對決習近平》、 《全世界都不了解中國人》、《關於中國的一百個常識》 …

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